Using Databases and Projects

File Menu

Use commands on the File menu (New, Recent or Open Database) to create or open a database. (See Database Types.)

Each database supports simultaneous access by multiple users. If you have admin permissions, use File > Manage Database to control user access and manage configurable settings that apply throughout the database. (See Security Options and Backstage View.)

Use File > Help to access online help and shipped examples.

Project List

Each database can contain multiple projects. Use the project list to create or open a project. (See Project Manager.)

If you have a lot of projects:

  • Use the project filter to limit what’s displayed.
  • Use the project category to group projects within the list.

Current Project Explorer

Use the current project explorer to create or open analyses and reports. (See Current Project Explorer.)

You can open the same project in any ReliaSoft desktop application. Analyses and reports are visible only in the application(s) that can edit them:

  • Life data folios are visible only in Weibull++
  • Fault trees are visible only in BlockSim
  • FMEAs are visible only in XFMEA/RCM++
  • Etc.

Common features such as project plans, resources and project attachments are visible in all ReliaSoft desktop applications.