Boolean Preferences

To open the Preferences  page, choose Admin > Configure > Preferences.

Incident Preferences

Display Preferences

Incident - Display Incident Wizard: If True, the Use Incident Wizard command will be available for new Incident recordss. The wizard prompts users to enter the data one step at a time, instead of all in a single form.

These preferences show/hide some of the fields in the Incidents page. For information about how these fields are used, see Incidents. To configure other fields for this record type, use the Details page.

  • Incident - Display Unit Location
  • Incident - Display Title (and Incident - Require Title)
  • Incident - Display Team Members
  • Incident - Display Potential Criticality and Incident - Display Actual Criticality (see Managing Criticality Fields)
  • Incident - Display Service Response Time/Date
  • Incident - Display ASP Field Service Tech (and Incident - Require ASP Field Service Tech)
  • Incident - Display Repair Duration
  • Incident - Display Repair/Replace Parts

Incident - Display System Status: If True, the System Status field will show in part incidents, for information purposes only. This field is always hidden for simple incidents and always shown for serialized incidents. When applicable, the summary area of the Customer Support page displays the current status for a particular system based on all of the serialized incident reports for that unit.

These preferences specify whether to display calculated metrics in the summary for a serialized incident.

  • Incident - Display Calculated Response Time
  • Incident - Display Calculated Downtime

Incident/Problem - Display Audience Restriction and Incident/Problem - Require Legal Team Member: If both of these preferences are True, the Audience Restriction field will be displayed in the Incident page and Problem page after the record is created, and if the "Attorney/Client Privilege" option is selected for a particular incident or problem, then:

  • Only users assigned to the team for that record will be able to view it in any form. Make sure the "Incident - Display Team Members" and "Project - Display Team Members" preferences are also enabled so users will be able to assign an appropriate team before restricting access to the record.
  • The team assigned to the record must have at least one user assigned to the "Legal" team role. Only users who have the "Legal Expert" category in the Users page can be assigned to this role.

Incident - Display Customer Requested Feedback: If True, the "Customer Requested Feedback" check box is displayed in the Incident page and the "Report Sent to Customer" check box is displayed on the Failure Analysis page.

E-mail Alert Preferences

These preferences specify whether e-mails are sent to the incident owner and/or team whenever an incident is closed:

  • Incident - E-mail - Incident Closed
  • Incident - E-mail - Incident Closed - Team

Time Metrics Preferences

Incident - Auto-populate Time Metric 1: If True, the primary time/usage metric field (e.g., hours. miles, kilometers, cycles, etc.) will be populated automatically in a serialized incident when the required inputs are available. (See Time Metric Calculations.)

These preferences specify whether to track additional time or usage metrics (e.g., hours, miles, kilometers, cycles, etc.) in the Customer Support page and Incident page for serialized incidents and part incidents. By default, these three metrics are labeled "System Hours," "Number of Starts" and "kW Run Hours but you can use the Resource Editor to customize the labels to fit your specific needs.

  • Incident - Display Time Metric 2
  • Incident - Display Time Metric 3

These preferences specify whether to automatically calculate the value of one time/usage metric based on the value entered for another. The behavior also depends on the "Display Time Metric" and "Time Metric Formula" preferences. (See Time Metric Calculations.)

  • Incident - Always Auto-calculate Time Metric 1
  • Incident - Always Auto-calculate Time Metric 2
  • Incident - Always Auto-calculate Time Metric 3

Part / Responsible Part Preferences

Incident - Use Tree to Select Responsible Part: If True, the "Responsible Part" field in the Incident page will, by default, allow users to select one or multiple parts from a tree view of all system templates (starting in Version 2023, the tree view can be limited to selection of a single part using the "Incident - Enable Single Responsible Part" preference). If False, users can select only one part from a drop-down list. When the tree is used, you can also specify:

  • Incident - Auto-select Responsible Part for New Incidents: If True, the part number specified in the System/Component Information area will be selected by default in the Responsible Part tree.
  • Incident - Enable Responsible Part Filter: If True, the Responsible Part tree will only allow users to select parts from the system specified in the System/Component Information area.
  • Incident - Enable Single Responsible Part: Available starting in Version 2023. If True, the Responsible Part tree will only allow users to select a single part.

Incident - Defaults: These preferences apply when the entity has only one system template defined. If True, then XFRACAS will automatically set relevant part fields when creating a new incident.

  • Incident - Default Part Number
  • Incident - Default Responsible Part

These preferences specify whether XFRACAS will automatically set date fields in the incident based on today's date.

  • Incident - Default Repair Date
  • Incident - Default Response Date

Closure Preferences

Incident - Closure: These preferences specify the conditions that must be met to close an incident. Select all that apply.

  • Incident - Closure Restriction Level 1: All actions for the incident are completed.
  • Incident - Closure Restriction Level 2: All failure analysis reports belonging to the incident are closed.

Note: Once an incident is closed, it no longer appears in the XFRACAS Portal under "Unclosed Incidents."

Incident - Disable Edit of Closed Incidents: This preference determines whether closed incidents will be read-only or editable for users who have permission to reopen them. (See Permissions by Record Type.)

  • If True, closed incidents will be read-only and can be reopened using the Reopen button.
  • If False, closed incidents will be editable and can be reopened by changing their state.

Problem / Incident Preferences

Allow Cross Entity Association: These preferences apply when assigning an incident to a problem or assigning a problem to a project. They also apply when creating an attachment to an XFRACAS record. If True, records from all entities that the user has access to will be available. If False, only records from the current entity will be available.

  • Incident/Problem - Allow Cross Entity Association
  • Project/Problem - Allow Cross Entity Association

These preferences apply when the user clicks the Create New Problem icon in the Incident Summary Area of the Incident page. (See "Assigning an Incident to a Problem" in the user help for more information.)

  • Incident - Create Problem Link Transfers Incident Description: If True, the incident's description will be used to auto-populate the description field in step 2 of the problem. (See Problems.)
  • Incident - Create Problem Link Transfers Incident Title: If True, the incident's title will be used to auto-populate the title field in step 2 of the problem.
  • Incident - Create Problem Link Transfers Responsible Part: If True, the incident's responsible part will be used to auto-populate the Part Category Code field in step 1 of the problem. If the incident has multiple responsible parts, only the first part in the list of responsible parts is transferred.

Other Incident Preferences

Incident - Assign Creator as Owner: If True, the user who creates the incident will be assigned as the owner of the incident. If False, the incident owner depends upon the responsible part or the choice in the Owner field.

Incident - Require Date Field Validation: If True, the date in any date field on the Incident page cannot be less than the incident's creation date.

Problem Preferences

Display Preferences

These preferences show/hide some of the fields in the Problem page. For information about how these fields are used, see Problems. To configure other fields for this record type, use the Details page.

  • Problem - Display Team Members
  • Problem - Display Requested Closure Date
  • Problem - Display Expected Closure Date
  • Problem - Display Associated Incidents
  • Problem - Display Associated Projects

These preferences show/hide some of the fields in the Associated Incident Reports section on the Problem page.

  • Problem - Display Incidents by Status (open or closed)
  • Problem - Display Incidents by Chargeability (chargeable or non-chargeable)

Problem - Show Steps: These preferences specify which of the optional steps will be displayed on the Problem page in addition to the four steps that are always displayed: Establish the Team, Describe the Problem, Choose and Verify Permanent Corrective Actions and Prevent Recurrence.

  • Problem - Show Step - Implement and Verify Containment Actions
  • Problem - Show Step - Identify and Verify Root Cause
  • Problem - Show Step - Implement Permanent Corrective Actions
  • Problem - Show Step - Congratulate the Team

Problem - Always Show All Problem Steps: If True, after a user has entered the first step and created a new problem, the page will show all of the subsequent steps that need to be performed. If False, each subsequent step will be displayed only after the previous step is completed and saved.

FRB and Closure Preferences

Problem - FRB Sign-Off Restriction: This applies only if the "Problem – FRB Sign-Off CC Restriction" preference is True. If True, the review request e-mail will be sent only to the next FRB reviewer based on priority order. If False, the e-mail will be sent to all reviewers on the Failure Review Board (FRB) reviewers list for the current step.

Problem - FRB Sign-Off CC Restriction: If True, the priority order of FRB reviewers will be enforced. Once the first reviewer signs off on the problem step, the second reviewer can then review the step. Reviewers cannot sign off out of order.

These preferences specify the conditions that must be met before a problem step or problem can be closed. Select all that apply.

  • Problem - Closure Restriction Level 1: All actions for the problem must be completed.
  • Problem - Closure Restriction Level 2: All incidents associated with the problem must be closed.
  • Problem - Closure Restriction Level 3: All actions associated with a problem step must be completed before you can close the step.

When a problem is closed, it no longer appears in the XFRACAS Portal under "Open Problems." Only users with the "Problem - Open a Closed Problem" or "Problem - Edit All Problems" permissions can reopen a closed problem.

Other Problem Preferences

Problem - Completed Date Warning: If True, entering a problem completed date that is in the future will show a warning.

Problem - Enable Created Date Restriction: If True, the problem's creation date must be earlier than the completion / sign-off date for any step in the problem.

Project Preferences

Display Preferences

These preferences show/hide some of the fields in the Project page. For information about how these fields are used, see Projects. To configure other fields for this record type, use the Details page.

  • Project - Display Team Members
  • Project - Display Target Completion Date
  • Project - Display Revised Completion Date
  • Project - Display Actual Completion Date
  • Project - Display Scope of Project
  • Project - Display End Result
  • Project - Show Associated Problems
  • Project - Show Associated Incident Reports
  • Project - Display Associated Incidents
  • Project - Show Associated FA Reports

Closure Preferences

These preferences specify the conditions that must be met before a project can be closed. Select all that apply.

  • Project - Closure Restriction Level 1: The actual completion date must be set and all actions for the project must be completed.
  • Project - Closure Restriction Level 2: The actual completion date must be set and all problems associated with the project must be closed.

When a project is closed, it no longer appears in the XFRACAS Portal under "My Projects." Only users with the "Project - Open a Closed Project" or "Project - Edit All Projects" permissions can reopen a closed project.

Customer Support Preferences

Display Preferences

CSI - Display CSI Wizard: If True, the Use CSI Wizard command will be available when users are creating new Customer Support records. The wizard prompts users to enter the data one step at a time, instead of all in a single form.

These preferences show/hide some of the fields in the Customer Support page. For information about how these fields are used, see Customer Support. To configure other fields for this record type, use the Details page.

  • CSI - Display Shipment Date
  • CSI - Display Delivery Date
  • CSI - Display Distributor
  • CSI - Display MTBF
  • CSI - Display MTBCF
  • CSI - Display MTBNCF
  • CSI - Display MTBI
  • CSI - Display Chargeable Incident Count
  • CSI - Display Non-Chargeable Incident Count
  • CSI - Enable Operational Availability
  • CSI - Display Calculated System Downtime
  • CSI - Display Unit Owner Address Information
  • CSI - Display Contact
  • CSI - Display Warranty Section
  • CSI - Display ASP Information (ASP and ASP Field Service Tech)

CSI - Display All Authorized Service Technicians: This applies if the "CSI - Display ASP Information" preference is enabled. If True, all service technicians will be displayed in the drop-down list, regardless of the company they are associated with. If False, only service technicians associated with the selected company will be displayed.

CSI - Show All Unit Contact Names: This applies if the "CSI - Display Contact" preference is enabled. If True, the Contact field will show all contacts available in the system. If False, the list will be filtered by unit owner.

Other CSI Preferences

CSI - Commission Date Required: If True, the commission date is required in the Customer Support page. If False, the shipment date becomes a required field and will be populated based on the system build date if left blank by the user.

CSI - Create Incident Link Transfers Hours from CSI: This applies when the user clicks the "Create Incident" link in the Customer Support page. If True, the time metric field(s) in the incident (e.g., System Hours) will be populated based on the latest info in the CSI. (See Time Metric Calculations.)

CSI - Extended Warranty Purchase Anytime: This applies if the "CSI - Display Warranty Section" preference is enabled. If False, the purchase date for the extended warranty must be within the date range of the initial warranty. (See Warranty Information Area).

Other Entity-specific Preferences

E-mail Preferences

For information about e-mail preferences, see Conditions for Triggering E-mail Alerts.

Report Preferences

Reports - Allow Send via E-mail: If True, the E-mail button will be available in the Reports page.

Reports - BCC Administrator on Data Sent via E-mail: If True, the e-mail address specified in the "Administrator E-mail" preference will receive a copy when report results are sent via e-mail.

Reports - Display Qualifiers: If True, the "Results based on the following qualifiers" area will be displayed in report results.

Reports - Include End Date Matches: If True, the end date set in a report is included in the results. For example, with a setting of True, a report of dates between January 1, 2017, and January 2, 2017, would include results for date matches from the entire days of January 1, 2017, and January 2, 2017. With a setting of False, the report would only include results from the entire day of January 1, 2017. This applies if the "XFRACAS - Display Time with Date Fields" preference is set to False.

Date / Time Preferences

These preferences apply to all date/time input fields. Note that there are separate preferences for dates and times displayed as regular text (the "XFRACAS - Date Format - Long" and "XFRACAS - Date Format - Short" string preferences).

  • XFRACAS - Display Day Before Month in Date Input Fields: If True, Date input fields will display using the day before month format (e.g., "21 March 2017").
  • XFRACAS - Display Time with Date Fields: If True, the Time input fields will be displayed with applicable Date fields.
  • XFRACAS - Display Time in 24 Hour Format: If True, the Time field will display using a 24-hour clock. If False, it will display an A.M./P.M. indicator.

Application Preferences

XFRACAS - Autopopulate Associated Record Dialog: This applies to all Assign/Find windows (e.g., when assigning an incident to a problem). If True, all records (up to a certain maximum number of rows) will be displayed when the window opens. If False, only currently assigned records will be displayed upon open and users can click Filter to see all records. Starting in Version 2023, the maximum number of rows shown is controlled by the "XFRACAS - Associated Record Dialog Max Rows" system-wide preference.

XFRACAS - Display Debug IDs: If True, the resource IDs will be shown in square brackets beside the name for all fields. You can use this in conjunction with the Resource Editor to customize text labels displayed in the website. In addition, the Detail Type IDs will be shown in square brackets on the Details page.

XFRACAS - Display Employee ID With User Name: If True, the employee ID will be displayed along with the user name in locations where a user is being selected (e.g., the Assign Team Members utility, drop-down lists, etc.).

XFRACAS - Display Last Updated Timestamp: If True, information on the last update of the record will be displayed in the summary area for incidents, problems, projects, failure analysis reports, CSIs and actions.

XFRACAS - Enable Header in Printed Records: If True, the print logo and full entity name will appear in the document header when records are printed using the Print Preview command on the Home tab. To change the logo, you can replace the logopfv.gif file stored in the Images folder on the web server (e.g., C:\inetpub\wwwroot\XFRACAS\Images\logopfv.gif).

XFRACAS - Sort Statuses by Descending Date: If True, the notes in the Status fields will be displayed in descending order based on creation date (i.e., the oldest note is listed first).

XFRACAS - Testing Mode: If True, a "watermark" that reads "TESTING" will be placed in the background of the pages to indicate that the "testing" version of the system is distinguished from the actual "live" system.

Lists - Autosize List Height: If True, the area used to display lists in the Lists page varies in height depending on the number of items in the list. If False, a scroll bar will be used to scroll through the list. Note that there is a maximum height of 300 pixels for any list, even when this preference is set to True.

Manage User - E-mail/Login Auto Build: If True, the user login and e-mail address fields will automatically be assigned in the Users page based on the user’s first and last names and the "Manage User - E-mail Suffix used for Auto Build" e-mail preference.

These preferences apply to the "data tree" on the Template page and the Serialized page. They also apply to the Responsible Part in incidents (when it is used as a tree) and for the Part Category Code in problems.

  • System - Data Tree Auto Collapse
  • System - Data Tree Sort by Part Description (rather than part number)

Reliability Data Warehouse (RDW) Preferences

These settings apply when using the RDW in Weibull++ to extract data sets for life data analysis:

  • Analysis - Fixed Daily Operating Hours: If True, systems are considered to run constantly (i.e., 24x7). System operating time (system up hours) will be calculated based on numerous factors, including commission or shipment date, incident occurrence date, the "Incident - Max Units/Day" Integer preference and the system down time. If False, the times are those reported in either the incidents or in the CSI.
  • Analysis - Weibull++ Export Rollup: If True, failures of child parts will be considered to also precipitate failures of parent parts. If the System Down Event incident detail is available in the current entity, then for incidents that are marked as system down events, the failure will affect all levels above the child part all the way to the top level item. For incidents that are not marked as system down events, the failure will affect all but the top level item. If False, failures of child parts will not roll up to parent parts.

    It is important to note that if this preference is True, the times that are exported are the times between failures, not the failure times. If you are unsure if this analysis method is appropriate for you, please contact ReliaSoft for further information.

Actions Preference

Action - Allow Setting Due Date Before Current Date: If True, users can enter an action date that is earlier than the creation date. This allows you to enter historical information that did not get entered when the action was actually performed.