System Wide Information

The System Wide Information section of the Users page (Admin > Configure > Security > Users) allows you to manage permissions that are common to all entities that the user can access.

  • Starting in Version 2024, this area shows the date and time the user last accessed the system. If the user has not accessed the system, "unknown" will be displayed in the Last Access field.
  • For name and address, only the First Name and Last Name are required.
  • The Time Zone is the offset from Coordinated Universal Time (formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time) that is appropriate for this user. The default setting is specified on the Preferences page ("Default GMT Offset for New Users").

Tip: If you choose the Local Time option, XFRACAS will detect the current time zone offset on the client device and apply that (including the effect of daylight savings time). If you select a specific time zone, daylight savings will not be considered and you must change the setting twice a year.

  • Language sets the user's preferred language for interface text. If this field is blank, the user will see the interface text in the default language for the entity, which is specified on the Preferences page ("XFRACAS - Language").
  • E-mail Address is required. The following preferences can be configured on the Preferences page to autopopulate the address based on first and last name (e.g.,
    • Under Boolean Preferences: "Manage User - E-mail/Login Auto Build"
    • Under E-mail Preferences: "Manage User - E-mail Suffix Used for Auto Build"
  • Login is required. If you are using Active Directory or Windows Authentication, this is typically in the format of "domain\username. If you are using SSO for authentication, it would be the SSO ID passed to the application. If you are unsure what to use, ask the user to try accessing the website. If the account is not recognized, the login that you need to use will be displayed in single quotes in the Unknown User page.

Note: If the "Manage User - E-mail/Login Auto Build" preference is enabled, the website will automatically start building the login based on the user's first and last names. You can edit or replace the text that's automatically populated or change the preference at any time.

  • The Retired User Account and Account Expiration Date options in this area will retire the account for all entities and the user will have no access to the website. Alternatively, if you want to retire the account only for the current entity, use the options in the entity-specific area.
  • The Default Entity is the entity that will be selected by default when the user visits the site. This field is not displayed until the user's account is created.
  • Entities allows you to assign or remove the user's access to the entities for which you have the "Manage Users" permission. Click the link to change the assignments. Note that:
    • This utility only shows entities for which you have permission to manage users. If the user has access to other entities, they will be visible in the default entity list.
    • You will not be able to remove access for the user's default entity, which is displayed in square brackets.
    • If you remove access to an entity, all entity-specific information will be deleted. If you later add the entity back to the user’s account, you will need to re-assign groups, categories and permissions.