Associating Multiple Incidents to Problems from Reports and Charts
New in Version 2021, XFRACAS now allows you to assign large groups of incidents to new or existing problem(s).
Note: The instructions for doing this in individual records are covered in “Assigning an Incident to a Problem” and “Associated Incidents and Projects.”
- To use these features, you’ll need the Incident/Problem - Allow Incident/Problem Association user permission.
- In addition, to create a new problem using incidents in a report, you’ll also need the Problem - Create Problems user permission.
Incident Reports
To create a new problem from an incident report:
- Generate a standard incident report (or a report that is based on a standard incident report) that contains the incidents you wish to assign to a problem. (See Reports and Report Builder.)
- Click the Create Problem icon,
, in the ribbon area of the report. This opens a new Problem page.
- Complete the first section (first step) of the problem and click Create.
All of the incidents in the report will now be associated to this new problem.
Note: Applying filters in the report view will not affect the number of incidents that are assigned to the problem.
To associate incidents to one or more existing problems from an incident report:
- Generate a report that contains the incidents you wish to associate to one or more problems.
- Click the Assign/Remove Problems icon,
. This opens the Assign Problems to Incidents dialog, which lists all of the problems that the incidents can be assigned to.
- Select any or all of the problems and click Save.
All of the incidents from the report will now be associated to the selected problems.
Incident Charts
You can also use charts as a source for creating new problems or associating groups of incidents to one or more existing problems.
- In an incident chart, drill down by clicking on a bar, data point or pie slice.
- In the Custom Chart Drill Down dialog, select the Data Table option to display a report that contains the records used in the bar, data point or pie slice.
- Follow the steps for creating a new problem or associating incidents to existing problem(s).