MIL-1629A Criticality Analysis

This topic describes how to enable and use the MIL-1629A Criticality Analysis utility. If you prefer to use the criticality analysis methods that are performed directly in the FMRA, see Qualitative Criticality Analysis or Quantitative Criticality Analysis.

Enabling and Accessing the MIL-1629A Analysis

If you wish to be able to access the MIL-1629A Criticality Analysis window on your computer, select the Enable MIL-1629A Criticality check box on the Settings page of the Application Setup. When this option is selected, the MIL-1629A Criticality command will be visible on the Home tab of the ribbon.

This command will be available only if at least one criticality analysis field is enabled in the project. Furthermore, in order to be able to calculate results, there must be at least one failure mode defined for each item before you open the window.

Using the Utility

When you open the utility, use the Select Items window to select one or more items from the current project that you want to include in the criticality analysis and click OK.

When the MIL-1629A Criticality Analysis window opens, the worksheet will display the specific data fields from the item, function and failure mode properties that are relevant for criticality analysis.

Note the following:

For the Prob of Loss, if you want to assume a total loss, accept the default setting of 1 (actual loss). If you want to enter a specific decimal value (e.g., 0.3 or 0.73), click in the field and select or create a constant model defined with the appropriate value.

The Display Options at the bottom of the window allow you to customize the worksheet to meet your specific needs:

When the worksheet displays all of the required inputs for quantitative criticality analysis, click Calculate to perform the calculations. You can then click Send to Excel to export all of the information currently displayed in the worksheet to an Excel file, or click Reports to select from a set of predefined report forms that can be generated in either Word or Excel.

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