Change Logs

The change log utility is available for FMEAs, DVP&Rs, control plans, P-Diagrams and test plans. It controls when users will be able to edit the analysis, and also records a history of the revisions since the change log was activated.

The Change Log window shows the changes for the entire analysis while the Record Change Log window shows the changes for a particular record. Depending on the settings, the log can record:

If desired, the change log utility can also be used to facilitate electronic approval tracking by storing an electronic record of the users who have reviewed and approved each version of an analysis.

Change Log Icons and Statuses

When a change log has been activated for an analysis, the icon on the tab in the Analysis panel (and in the FMEA, Test Plan, DVP&R, Control Plan or P-Diagram column in the System panel, if displayed) will indicate that the change log is in one of two states:

              No Revision Started: The analysis is locked and no revision has started. The analysis is read-only for all users.

              Revision Started: The analysis is open for modifications because an authorized user has started a revision.

In addition, the following status labels are displayed at the top of the Version History area in the change log window. These labels are also displayed in the system hierarchy panel if the Include change log version in analysis columns option is selected on the System Hierarchy page of the Application Setup.

Storing Data from Prior Analysis Versions

Even when a change log is active, the software does not automatically maintain a complete copy of the analysis as it was at a given time prior to subsequent modification. However, there are several ways to manually store a complete copy of the analysis if you need it. For example, you can:

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