The FMEA > MSR page of the interface style allows you to customize properties and functionality related to Supplemental FMEA for Monitoring and System Response (FMEA-MSR), available starting in Version 2023. The page is divided into two tabs.
Text Fields Tab
The table on the Text Fields tab allows you to choose which MSR-related text fields will be enabled and what they will be called. It works like all other record properties tables.
RPNs Tab
The table at the top of the page works like the other record properties tables except:
- Initial MSR Risk Prioritization and Revised MSR Risk Prioritization can be enabled only if you have selected to highlight priority based on "MSR Risk Ranking" as discussed below.
- Short Display Name specifies the abbreviation that will be used in some locations within the interface, plots and/or report output where the full display name will not fit.
Priority Highlights
The options under the table allow you to configure the logic that will be employed when a user turns on the priority highlights feature (FMEA > Tools > Highlight Priority) for FMEAs within the project.
In the Highlight Priority Based on area, the options will depend on which ratings have been enabled in the properties table. For example, if you have disabled the Initial Frequency and Revised Frequency properties, you can't choose to highlight based on frequency.
If you select Severity after MSR, Frequency or Monitoring, you can specify the High Priority >= and Low Priority <= thresholds and Select Highlight Colors.
For example, with the settings shown below:
- Causes that do not have a frequency specified will not be highlighted
- Causes with a frequency equal to or greater than 300 will be highlighted with red
- Causes with a frequency from 31 to 299 will be highlighted with yellow
- Causes with a frequency equal to or less than 30 will be highlighted with green
Risk Ranking Logic
If you want to define more complex criteria to assign priority, click the Risk Ranking Logic button.
This logic can be used for priority highlights in the FMEA-MSR if you select "MSR Risk Ranking" under Highlight Priority Based On. It can also be used for applying highlight colors in the Risk Matrix. For more details, see Risk Ranking Logic.
The Use AIAG & VDA 1st ed. Logic for MSR option affects the way the priority is calculated if the priority is based on risk ranking; this affects both MSR-based risk ranking (configured on this page) and RPN-based risk ranking (configured on the FMEA > RPNs page). Specifically, when this option is selected:
- If a cause has a monitoring rating of 1, then for the associated effects the severity after MSR rating is used in calculating priorities based on risk ranking; the severity rating of the original (unmitigated) effect is ignored. In other words, if the cause is essentially certain to be detected in an operational context, then the unmitigated severity is deemed irrelevant and the mitigated severity rating is used for prioritization.
- If a cause has a monitoring rating of anything other than 1, then for the associated effects the severity rating of the original (unmitigated) effect is used in calculating priorities based on risk ranking; the severity after MSR rating is ignored. In other words, if there is a chance that the cause may not be detected in an operational context, then the mitigated severity is deemed irrelevant and the unmitigated severity is used for prioritization.
Because this option can affect prioritization based on RPN ratings, a notification is shown on the FMEA > RPNs page when this option is selected and risk ranking is selected in the Highlight Priority Based On area.
This option is off by default, except in the DFMEA: AIAG & VDA-1 W/MSR profile that is included with the software starting in Version 2023.