Intro to XFMEA and RCM++
ReliaSoft XFMEA by HBM Prenscia facilitates data management and reporting for all types of Failure Modes and Effects Analysis - FMEA - and Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis - FMECA. ReliaSoft RCM++ by HBM Prenscia facilitates the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) analysis approach for creating scheduled maintenance plans, which is an important aspect of an effective asset management program.
This help file provides detailed documentation for all three products. The features that are available on your computer will depend on your license.
- This graphic indicates a feature that is available only for users with an RCM++ license.

Images within this help file may show any one of the products; the functionality shown in the images works the same way in all of the products unless otherwise noted.
These applications are part of the suite of ReliaSoft desktop applications, which offers intelligent integration between reliability program activities and tools, while simultaneously facilitating effective information sharing and cooperation between engineering teams of any size. For information about features that are shared by all (or most) of the ReliaSoft desktop applications, see the Databases and Projects, Desktop Application Interfaces and ReliaSoft Common Tools chapters.
Other ReliaSoft software by HBM Prenscia includes: Weibull++, BlockSim, Lambda Predict, MPC, SEP web portal and XFRACAS.
What's Changed? The ReliaSoft RBI application has been discontinued as of Version 2021. For information on RBI functionality, please refer to the product help specific to your version of the software, available from