Using Databases and Projects

File Menu

Use commands on the File menu (New, Recent or Open Database) to create or open a database. (See Database Types.)

Each database supports simultaneous access by multiple users. If you have admin permissions, use File > Manage Database to control user access and manage configurable settings that apply throughout the database. (See Security Options and Backstage View.)

Use File > Help to access online help and shipped examples.

Project List

Each database can contain multiple projects. Use the project list to create or open a project. (See Project Manager.)

If you have a lot of projects:

  • Use the project filter to limit what’s displayed.
  • Use the project category to group projects within the list.

System Panel and Analysis Panel

The System panel shows the items that may be analyzed in the project.

  • It can be a single item or a complex multi-level system configuration.
  • It can be physical components/equipment or steps in a process.

The Analysis panel shows properties and analyses for the item that is currently selected.  

Common features such as resources and project attachments are visible in all ReliaSoft desktop applications.