SEP Admin Utility - SEP Settings

Once the SEP web portal has been established, there are a number of settings that will require initial configuration and then may be updated infrequently if the customer’s needs change. A user with administrative permission in the ReliaSoft database can configure these settings; starting in Version 2024, they are located in two places. A few very basic options are available on the Site Settings page. Most, however, are managed from the SEP Settings window of the SEP admin utility; this will require cooperation from an IT admin to either provide access to run the admin utilities on the web server or configure the settings based on your business requirements.

Note: To learn what's required to set up a web portal, consult the SEP Implementation Guide, which is available in both print-ready (PDF) and online formats. It describes how to perform many tasks that require IT expertise, including how to establish database and web server(s), install the website, connect to a ReliaSoft database and manage user accounts. These tasks should be completed before you make changes to site settings via either the Site Settings page or the SEP Settings window.

In the SEP admin utility, click the SEP Settings button to open the SEP Settings window.

When prompted to set connection info, enter the same enterprise database connection information entered via the SEP Configuration File window, as discussed in the SEP Implementation Guide. For convenience, all tabs of the SEP Settings window show this database information so that it is clear what database the settings are being configured for.

General Tab

Enable Publish to SEP Web Portal

Some SEP-related features in ReliaSoft desktop applications (e.g., the ability to publish analysis summaries, workbooks, reports, etc.) will be visible only if the Enable publish to SEP web portal option is enabled for the database. You can set this from the SEP Settings window or from the Database Settings window in any ReliaSoft desktop application.

Configure URLs for Links to SEP from Desktop Applications

ReliaSoft desktop applications generate links that allow you to view action details in SEP. These links may be included in e-mail alerts and portal messages. In addition, XFMEA/RCM++ generates links to web summaries that you can open directly in SEP or send via e-mail.

Use the following settings to specify how these links should be built:

  • IIS prefix for links from desktop applications - enter the server name and folder that you see in the browser’s address bar (e.g., servername/SEP).
  • Use https for links from desktop applications - select Yes if the web server has been configured with a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate and the URLs need to start with "https" rather than "http."

If an administrator has not specified an IIS prefix, the alerts will not include links to SEP.

If these settings are incorrect, users will see an error message — e.g., "File or directory not found," "Access forbidden" or "This page can’t be displayed" — when they click the links to open the page in a web browser.

Configure Custom Content for the Home Page

Use this optional feature to integrate a banner or other content into your organization's SEP home page. If custom content is enabled for a database, it will be visible to all SEP users. To implement this feature:

  • Find the SEPDefault.htm file in the CustomContent folder under the root directory for the website. Edit it to include your custom content.
  • In the SEP Settings window, enable the Visible (edit via SEPDefault.htm on application web server) option, specify a height and change the default caption, if desired.

Note: If the content of the page exceeds the specified height in pixels, users with iOS devices will not be able to scroll.

SEP Error Log

Click the Export as CSV button to save an error log in *.csv format for troubleshooting and maintenance purposes .For convenience, this is also available via the Site Settings page in the website.

Connection Tab

Configure the Database Connection For Open Buttons (SQL Server Only)

When users view published analysis summaries and FMEAs in SEP, the Open buttons make it easy for them to open the full analysis in a relevant desktop application.

If your applications connect to an Oracle database, the Open buttons use the same connection as the SEP portal.

If your applications connect to a SQL Server database, you can choose one of the following options:

  • No impersonation - the buttons will attempt to connect using the domain\username that is currently logged in to Windows. This requires an individual or group login. (See SQL Server Logins or Using Windows Impersonation in the desktop help.)
  • Same as SEP configuration file - the buttons will use the same impersonation account as the web portal. (See Establish a Service Account for the Application in the Implementation Guide.)
  • Specify impersonation account for Open buttons - the buttons will use the impersonation account that you specify. In this case, you must provide a Domain, Username and Password for the account.

Note: These buttons are now visible only to users who have the "Open desktop apps from SEP web portal" permission. (See Managing Security Groups).

Enable Remote ReliaSoft

Remote ReliaSoft allows ReliaSoft desktop applications to run on a remote server, eliminating the need to install and update software on client computers. If Remote ReliaSoft is enabled for your implementation, users can choose whether to launch desktop applications remotely or locally when they click Open buttons. (See User Preferences.)

Remote ReliaSoft must be configured for your organization by an IT admin who has experience using Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS). The IT admin must also create an RDP template and make this available to you. Instructions for these tasks are provided in the Implementation Guide.

Once Remote ReliaSoft has been configured, you can enable it in the SEP Settings window.

  1. Under Remote ReliaSoft, select the check box to enable this feature.
  2. Click Browse to find the RDP template. If you wish to clear the RDP template, you can use the Remove button.
  3. Click OK to save the settings in the database.
  4. In SEP, test an Open button to confirm it's configured properly.

Action Alerts Tab

Configure the Service for Alerts

Any ReliaSoft database can be configured to send alerts when an action is created, modified or ready for review. These alerts, which are sent to any user who is subscribed to "watch" the action, can be delivered via e-mail, SMS text message or portal message, depending on the user's preference. (See Watches and Alerts.)

If an optional service is running on the SEP web server, you can send additional alerts based on calendar date. This service must be started by an IT admin using the procedure outlined in the Implementation Guide. The status of the service is shown at the top of the Send action alerts based on calendar date section of the Action Alerts tab. Service Status indicates whether the service was Running, Not Running or Not Found at the time when the page loaded.

  • To configure the frequency of alerts, do the following:
    1. Enable the Alert when action is due in X days option and enter the number of days before the action completion date (due date) to send the first alert.
    2. Specify a From address for e-mail alerts.
  • To send regular reminders, enable the Remind every X days until the action is complete option and enter the number of days between alerts.