You can use the Projects page to manage related problems in much the same way that you use the Problem page to manage related incidents.
If you have permission to create a new project, choose Home > Create > Project.
After you have entered the required fields (highlighted with red boxes), choose Home > Project > Create to save the new record.
Note: New in Version 2021, you can subscribe to receive e-mail notifications whenever an incident, problem, project or CSI record is updated. See Getting Notified when Records Are Updated for more information.
If your implementation has more than one entity, the fields and options may be configured differently in each. A drop-down list at the top of the page allows you to select which entity is currently active before you create a new record.
Owner and Creator
XFRACAS automatically assigns you as the owner for any projects that you create. The contents of the Owner drop-down list depend on the settings for each user in the entity:
- For new projects, the list will only contain you (the project creator) plus any users who have been designated as a “Project Owner” by an application admin. If you are not a designated “Project Owner,” your name will appear in brackets.
- For existing projects, the owner’s name will appear in brackets if they no longer have the “Project Owner” designation. In this case, if another user is ever assigned as owner, the original owner’s name will be removed from the list.
Depending on the configurable settings for the entity, the owner may receive e-mail notifications when actions are created for the record.
For new projects, XFRACAS automatically assigns you (the logged-in user) as creator. If you have the required permission, you can use the Creator drop-down list (in new and existing projects) to set or change the project’s creator. This list contains:
- Users who currently have the “Project Owner” designation.
- Users who have been assigned as creator but no longer have the “Project Owner” designation. In this case, their names will be enclosed in brackets.
Assigning a Team
A Team Members field identifies the users who will be working on the issue and their roles on the team. If enabled for the entity, this field is not displayed until the record is created. (See Assign Team Members Utility.)
You can click the link for any team member's name to send an e-mail regarding the record. Depending on the configurable settings, team members may also receive e-mails when a status update is added or modified.
Associated Problems
The Associated Data area links to the problem reports that are relevant for this project. To add or remove problems, click Create New Problem or Assign/Remove Problems.
In the list of problems:
- Status showsthe problem step (e.g., Describe the Problem, Prevent Recurrence, etc.) that needs to be completed next.
- # of IRs shows the quantity of incidents associated to the problem. Click the link to see a list of those incidents.
- Last Occurrence shows the occurrence date for the most recent incident associated to the problem.
- Cpt. Date shows the closure date for the problem.
If applicable, this area also displays:
- Incidents that are associated to a problem that is associated to the project. Click Hide/Display Associated Incidents to toggle between showing either the quantity of open and closed incidents or a full list of the incidents.
- Failure analysis reports that are associated to a problem that is associated to the project. Note that XFRACAS does not assume that all failure analysis reports linked to an incident that is associated to a problem are also associated with that problem. Rather, in order to specifically associate a failure analysis report to a problem, you must use the Associated Problem field in the Failure Analysis page.
Associated Files or Links
An Associated Files field allows users to upload file attachments, link to files in another location (e.g., a document management website) or link to another record in XFRACAS. If enabled for the entity, this type of field is not displayed until the record is created. (See Attachments.)
An Actions field contains a list of specific assignments that need to be tracked and completed for the project. If enabled for the entity, this type of field is not displayed until the record is created.
Click Create New Action,
to add a new assignment. (See Actions.)
Status Updates
A Status field allows users to add notes about the progress made, and also send e-mail notifications if applicable. If enabled for the entity, this field is not displayed until the record is created. (See Status Fields.)
Closing a Project
A project is considered closed when the Actual Completion Date field has been filled in. Depending on the settings chosen by an application admin, a project may not be able to be closed until all problems associated with the project are closed and/or all actions for the project completed.