The Risk Discovery tab in the Analysis panel allows you to perform a preliminary analysis that can help you select the equipment that will receive more detailed analysis.
For FMEA, this may be referred to as a Change Point Analysis or Preliminary Risk Assessment.
For RCM, this may be referred to as the Equipment Selection.
For RBI, this may be referred to as Qualitative RBI.
There are two configurable methods available for performing this analysis; the one you use depends on your choice in the project properties.
Risk discovery questions allows you to answer a series of yes/no questions.
Risk discovery ratings allows you to assign ratings for a variety of different factors and then calculate an overall criticality value for each item or piece of equipment.
Whichever method is selected, the goal of this task is to provide a systematic approach to focus limited analysis resources where they will provide the maximum benefit and ensure the highest return on investment.
To add a Risk Discovery analysis, select an item in the System panel then choose Analyses > Planning > Add Risk Discovery.
The Risk Discovery tab will open in the Analysis panel. In addition, the Risk Discovery icon will appear in the corresponding column in the System Hierarchy tab of the System panel while the Risk Discovery value will appear in the Risk Discovery Details column (if those columns have been selected for display on your computer).
In the System panel, the Risk Discovery column displays a green icon if a Risk Discovery analysis is associated with the item. Additionally, if the Mark item for more detailed analysis check box is selected at the bottom of the Risk Discovery analysis, then the Risk Discovery icon will display in red.
In the System panel, what the Risk Discovery Details column displays depends on the Risk Discovery type:
If the project is using risk discovery questions, then this column will display the number of questions with "Yes" answers. More "Yes" answers indicates greater risk.
If the project is using risk discovery ratings, then this column will display the calculated value of all categories, which is based on the method in use for the ratings used in the project. Higher values indicate greater risk.
To generate a report of the Risk Discovery data, choose Home > Reporting > Reports.
In the Reports window, select any of the predefined report forms under the Risk Discovery heading.