Profiles/Library Manager

If you have the necessary permissions, you can view and edit all of the profiles and other settings in a library via the Profiles/Library Manager. To access this utility, first open a database, then choose File > Manage Database > XFMEA/RCM++/RBI Libraries > Profiles/Library Manager.


If you are connected to a standard database, the address bar at the top of the Profiles/Library Manager window shows the location and name of the active library for your computer. You can click the Browse button to select a different library file to use. You can select a library from the current version of the software, or you can upgrade a library from a previous version by choosing the appropriate file type in the Browse window. If you open an older version library, an upgraded copy will be created, with "_V20" appended to the filename. For example, if you open "MyLibrary.lb10," the Version 2020 library that is created will be called "MyLibrary_V20.lb20."

Viewing or Editing Settings

The navigation panel on the left lists the different types of settings that can be predefined and stored in the library. The table on the right displays the predefined settings for the type that is currently selected. To view or edit the settings, simply double-click the row in the table or select the row and click Add, Edit or Delete.

Importing Settings from Another Database

If you want to import settings from another database, first select the type of setting then click the Import button. If you import a profile, the application will also import copies of all related settings (i.e., the interface style, severity scale, etc.). For details, see Importing Settings to a Library.

In addition, the Copy Existing button appears in many windows throughout the Profiles/Library Manager. This feature allows you to copy selected settings from another library to replace the ones in the current window. For details, see Copy Existing.

Active File and Reset Library

When a standard database (*.rsr20) is currently open, the Reset Library button will be displayed at the bottom of the window. This button restores the default file that was shipped with the software (Library.lb20) and makes it active for your computer/username. This will not replace whatever library currently exists. Rather, it will create a new standard library file in the ReliaSoft folder under My Documents on your computer (e.g., C:\Users\username\My Documents\ReliaSoft\Common) If a file with the name Library.lb20 already exists in this location, the new filename will have an increment at the end (e.g., Library_1.lb20).

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