Phrase Sets

A phrase set contains lists of predefined descriptions that can be used to define any of the text-based record properties in an FMEA. The descriptions in a phrase set are accessible via the Select Existing Text window when the phrase set has been selected to be "active" from the window’s Phrase Sets page.

The Phrase Sets page in the Profiles/Library Manager shows all of the sets of predefined phrases in the active library.

Note: Unlike many of the other settings stored in the active library and managed via the Profiles/Library Manager, the descriptions in a phrase set are not stored in the project properties for individual analysis projects. Rather, you can use any phrase set from the active library on your computer for any analysis project that you may be working on, and it is possible to use phrases from multiple different phrase sets in the same project.

You can use any or all of the following methods to create/update phrase sets.

Type Phrases Into the Tables

The navigation panel on the left side of the Edit Phrase Set window shows the types of records for which you can save phrases. The table on the right allows you to view/edit/add phrases for the record type that is currently selected.

Note that the columns show all of the possible fields (i.e., the tables are not customized based on the enabled/disabled preferences in a particular interface style). The field names are based on those used in the default profile. You can ignore any record types and/or record properties that you don’t want to save phrases for.

Import Phrases from Excel

When you click the Import from Excel or Export to Excel buttons, the software will import or export the descriptions in the phrase set from/to the Excel file.

Note: When importing from an Excel file, this functionality adds unique descriptions only and appends them to the phrase set. For example, if the existing phrase set contains a failure cause called "Excessive condensation" and so does the Excel file that is being imported from, the phrase will not be duplicated.

Exporting FMEA Descriptions to Phrase Sets

You can export the descriptions from an existing FMEA to a new or existing phrase set in the active library. Do the following:

  1. Open the FMEA.

  2. Choose FMEA > Tools > Export to Phrase Set > [Export to a New/Existing FMEA Phrase Set].

    1. If you choose to export to a new phrase set, you will be prompted to enter the name (required) and description).

    2. If you choose to export to an existing phrase set, you will be prompted to select one of the phrase sets from the active library.

Note: This functionality adds unique descriptions only. For example, if the existing phrase set contains a failure cause called "Excessive condensation" and so does the FMEA analysis that is being exported, the phrase will not be duplicated.

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