Converting Libraries and Profiles from Version 5

If you have customized the configurable settings in your XFMEA/RCM++ 5 library, you can automatically convert them for use in the new version. Note that certain settings are added during conversion; you may need to modify the default options for these new settings after the profile(s) have been converted.

Importing Profiles

The process for importing individual profiles from a Version 5 library (either standard or enterprise) is identical to that for importing from any other library.

Converting Libraries

If you want to import the entire library, including settings that are not directly associated with a profile (e.g., phrase sets, checklists, project plan templates, etc.), you must use the methods given here.

For standard databases, you can upgrade a library from a previous version simply by setting it as the active library. This works the same way for Version 5 libraries (*.lb5) as for all other versions.

To convert and import library settings from an XFMEA/RCM++ 5 enterprise database, you must have both of the following permissions:

The steps are as follows:

  1. Connect with the enterprise database you want to import into.

  2. Choose File > Manage Database > Import from Version 5.

  3. In the area at the top of the Import from Version 5 Enterprise Database window, enter the connection information for the Version 5 enterprise database and click Connect.

  4. The table shows all of the data and settings that are available to be imported. Find the Profiles heading.

    • If you select the Profiles check box, application will import the entire library, including settings that are not directly associated with a profile.

    • If you select individual profiles, the application will import only the selected profiles and the settings that are directly used by those profiles.

  5. Click OK to copy the data.

Settings Added During Conversion

When you convert an existing library profile from XFMEA/RCM++ 5, the application will add new configurable settings for new features that were added in subsequent versions. Likewise, when you convert an existing project, its configurable settings will be updated in the same way.

Here is a summary of the settings that will be added, modified or changed:

Setting Type




FMEA > Functions

New Op Seq Number field, which can be used to add a reference number to a function. In synchronized worksheets, the op seq number is also used to link a function to a particular item in the associated PDF worksheet or Control Plan worksheet.


Tasks > Properties (RCM specific)

Many of the properties that were in the FMEA > Tasks page are now configured as part of the task resources. (See Task Properties.)

The task properties that apply only in RCM++/RBI can be configured via the new Tasks > Properties (RCM specific) page.


FMEA > Sync Options

New options for creating FMEA functions from system hierarchy items or PFD worksheet operations.


FMEA > Criticality

The Probability of Loss field was removed and is now generated from the FMRA.


Control Plan > Sync Options

New options for synchronizing from the PFD Worksheet.


DVP&R > Sync Options

New options for separately synchronizing controls and actions.


PFD Worksheet

Added properties for the new PFD Worksheet functionality.

Occurrence Scale


New Quantitative Value column and options for automatically creating failure models based on the RPN occurrence ratings.

Task Logic


Some of the task properties were removed because they are now part of the task resources.


Upon conversion, the application will apply default values for all of the new settings. It is important to note that these defaults may need to be modified after the conversion if you plan to use the Quantitative Value setting in the FMRA calculations for the converted project. This is because the application is not able to interpret the numerical thresholds (if any) recorded in the Criteria descriptions, and therefore it must apply the same values for all converted rating scales.

For example, the following table shows part of the occurrence scale from the "DFMEA: AIAG-4" profile. As you can see, the default values that would be applied if you convert this rating scale from Version 5 would need to be changed to more appropriate values that match the thresholds specified in the text descriptions. For example, 1 in 1,000,000 vehicles is 0.000001, and so on.



Quantitative Value

These are the values that will be applied to all scales by default upon conversion.

These are more appropriate values that match the criteria in this particular scale.

1 - Very Low

Failure is eliminated through preventive control.



2 - Low

<=0.001 per thousand items/vehicles, 1 in 1,000,000



3 - Low

0.01 per thousand items/vehicles, 1 in 100,000




10 - Very High

=> 100 per thousand items/vehicles, => 1 in 10




When feasible, the most efficient and consistent way to apply these updates is to first obtain a fully updated profile in the Profiles/Library Manager and then use this profile to re-apply the settings for each converted project. Specifically, you will need to do the following:

  1. Decide which library you will use and then confirm that the new settings are fully updated for all active profiles in the library:

    • If you had not customized any of the predefined profiles in the Version 5 library, we recommend using the new default library provided with the current version because it has appropriate values for the new settings (e.g., quantitative values that match any numerical criteria specified in the occurrence rating scales).

    • If you had created your own custom profiles in Version 5 or customized any of the predefined ones, we recommend converting the existing library and then reviewing/updating all of the new settings that were added during the conversion.

  2. Convert one or more existing projects from Version 5.

  3. For each converted project:

    • Choose Project > Management > Edit Project Properties.

    • On the General page of the Project Properties, choose the appropriate profile from the Select Profiles from Library drop-down list.

    • Click OK to reset all of the project's configurable settings based on the fully updated profile defined in the library.

Of course, you also have the option to review and manually update the configurable settings for any particular project, if desired. These are accessible from the Configurable Settings pages in the Project Profiles window, and also from Project > Management > Configurable Settings.

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