Installation and Licensing
There are two alternative ways that ReliaSoft desktop applications may be licensed on your computer:
- If you received a license file (*.lic), see Locally Hosted Licensing
- If you received only a license key (a 32-digit alphanumeric code), see ReliaSoft-Hosted Licensing
One or both methods can be used on the same computer. For example, if you have your own single-user license for BlockSim and will share your department’s new multi-user (floating) license for Weibull++, you will receive a license key for BlockSim and a license file for Weibull++.
If you will use both types of licensing on the same computer, use the installation instructions for locally hosted licenses. When you launch any application that isn't included in your locally hosted license or that you have specified as using ReliaSoft-hosted licensing via the License Settings Tool (see, the ReliaSoft License Manager will allow you to perform the activation of your ReliaSoft-hosted license(s) using a product license key.
Requirements for All Installations
- Before running the installation program, make sure your computer meets the system requirements for ReliaSoft desktop applications.
- You must be logged in with a user account that has administrative rights.
- It is strongly recommended that you close all other applications during the installation.
Note: Starting in Version 2023, there are two different installation programs that may be provided, depending on your needs. Most users will use ReliaSoft2023.exe; this streamlined installer contains only the ReliaSoft files required for installation and will, as part of its process, download the minimum Microsoft Office installation files (if any) required for the ReliaSoft software to function on your particular system. For users in environments where Internet access is tightly restricted or unavailable, we offer ReliaSoft2023Offline.exe; this installer is larger, as it contains all Office installation files that might be required for a variety of system setups. From the user's perspective, the installation process as explained in this topic is the same for both versions.
Locally Hosted Licensing
If you received a license file (*.lic), you will be using locally hosted licensing. This allows you to manage available license seats or CRS units in-house without the requirement to connect to the ReliaSoft external license server.
The first step is for a license administrator to configure your organization’s license server and provide each individual user with the path to the license server/host (e.g., 6220@servername). (For detailed instructions, see
Once the license server has been set up, perform the following steps for each client installation. If you have previously connected the client computer to the appropriate license server, you can start at step 4.
- Open the ReliaSoft ePack and decompress the *.zip archive in the Locally Hosted Licensing Utility folder
- Install the HBM Prenscia Licensing Administration utility by double-clicking licinst.exe and following the prompts. The utility will start as soon as installation is complete.
- On the Client tab of the license admin utility, click Set Client License Path and then click Add Network Host or enter the license path directly in the window (use the network host format; e.g., port@serverhostname).
The client computer will check for available license seats in the specified order (i.e., it will go to the top server listed and if no license seat is available there, it will check the next server down, and so on).
Note that you can delete a license location by highlighting the line and deleting it.
- Install the ReliaSoft desktop applications by double-clicking the installation program from the ePack (e.g., ReliaSoft2023.exe) and following the prompts.
The first time you launch an application, you may be asked to provide your name and basic contact information. This is required to be eligible for technical support.
Note: Applications using locally hosted licensing must have an active connection to the license server unless you have borrowed a license. If you see a message that indicates that a license could not be obtained, this could be for a variety of reasons (e.g., you are not connected to the license server, the license server is down or there are no seats or CRS units available for the license). In addition, if you lose connection to the license server while you are using an application, you will see a message warning you to save your work before the application closes.
ReliaSoft-Hosted Licensing
If you are requesting a demo or have already received a license key (a 32-digit alphanumeric code), you will be using ReliaSoft-hosted licensing.
If your computer has an active Internet connection and your firewall allows the software to access the ReliaSoft secure external license server at*, only a few simple steps are required for activation:
- Install the ReliaSoft desktop applications by double-clicking the installation program from the ePack (e.g., ReliaSoft2023.exe) and following the prompts.
- The first time you launch an application, the activation wizard will appear. On the first page, select whether you want to activate a license or request a free demo license.
- On the next page, enter a valid e-mail address to serve
as your ReliaSoft ID.
This is the e-mail address where you will receive confirmation
e-mails from the ReliaSoft License Server. This must be your
company e-mail address —
not gmail, hotmail, etc.
- Name and Contact Info: If this is the first time that you have registered a ReliaSoft desktop application on this computer with this e-mail address, the next page will request your name and basic contact information.
- Demo License: If you need a demo license, most requests will be addressed immediately during normal business hours; for some locations, please allow up to 2 business days.
- On the next page, enter the product license key provided to you. Tip: If you are able to copy the key from a product delivery e-mail, the Paste icon saves time by automatically entering each section into the appropriate input box.
- Confirmation Keys: If your license type requires a confirmation key, the next page requires you to copy/paste a key that you will receive via e-mail. Tip: If the e-mail does not appear in your Inbox within a few minutes, check your Junk mail or SPAM folders.
- Activate Multiple Applications: If your license key includes other ReliaSoft desktop applications that have not yet been activated on this computer, the next page gives you the opportunity to activate any or all of them at the same time.
- When you see the "Your product has been activated” message, click Finish to start using the software.

If the computer does not have an active Internet connection, or if you encounter issues with the firewall, there are other ways to complete the activation. Please visit for details or consult the "ReliaSoft Installation and Licensing" document included with the software. And, of course, you can always contact us for assistance (
Uninstalling ReliaSoft Applications
If you wish to stop using all of the ReliaSoft desktop applications on this computer, you can perform the following steps:
- Make sure you do not have any ReliaSoft desktop applications currently open.
- Open the Windows Control Panel and click Programs and Features (or use the search box in the Windows Start menu to find and select Add or Remove Programs).
- In the Uninstall or change a program window, double-click ReliaSoft [Version] and follow the prompts.
- If you have installed the HBM Prenscia Licensing Administration tool, you can follow similar steps to uninstall it.
Tip: If you are using ReliaSoft-hosted licensing (i.e., if you received a license key and activated specific application(s) on your computer), you also have the option to deactivate one or more applications without performing a complete uninstall. For instructions, see