Contour Plots

To view the contour plot, create the Plot tab in your design folio, then choose Contour Plot. You can specify how the means are calculated in the Calculation Options area.

When you are working with this type of plot, the control panel includes an Additional Settings page with the following options:

  • The Contour Options area lets you specify the color gradient for the contour bands and the resolution of the lines. The colors for low, medium and high response values can be modified by clicking the colored Low, Mid and High icons. You can also change the Resolution of the contour lines (higher resolution means smoother curves, but the plot may take longer to generate).
  • The Band Settings area lets you choose how many contour bands will be used and what response values they will represent. Three options are available:
    • Select Count to enter the number of contour bands directly in the Contour Count field. More bands means more fine-grained results (i.e., more colors for marking response ranges). The minimum and maximum response values are set by the software automatically.
    • Select Range to manually set the minimum and maximum response values to be shown in the plot. Then enter the Increment that will be used to create the contours. A lower increment means more fine-grained results.
    • Select Values to define each contour manually. For example, if you enter the values 2 and 3, then the plot will have three contours: one for values less than 2, another for values between 2 and 3, and another for values greater than 3. Use the [+] and [-] icons in the Contour Values area to add a new value or remove a selected one.

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