For reliability growth data analysis only.

Description: Returns the time corresponding to the specified reliability.

What's Changed? In RGA Version 2019 and earlier, this was the TIMEATR function. Starting in Version 2020 that function is used only for life data folios.

Syntax: TIMEATR_G(Data_Src, Reliability, [Conf_Level])

  • Data_Src is the source data sheet from which the value is taken.

  • Conf_Level is the percentage (entered as a decimal value) for the confidence bounds. It is an optional value and, if specified, must be greater than 0 and less than 1.


  • The Data_Src can be one of the following values:

    • A default data source selected from the Data Source Index drop-down list.

    • A data sheet name (e.g., "Weibull!Folio1!Data1").

    • A variable name defined in the Defined Names window (e.g., datasource).


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