Function Wizard Functions

This chapter presents detailed descriptions of the functions available in the Weibull++ Function Wizards.

Spreadsheet Functions

These functions are available in the ReliaSoft Workbook's spreadsheet module in Weibull++.

Syntax: RELIABILITY(Data_Src,Age,[Add Time],[Confidence Level])

Example: =RELIABILITY("Weibull!Folio1!Data1",1000,200,0.95) uses the analysis in Folio1!Data1 to return the 95% one-sided confidence bound on the conditional reliability for a mission of 200 hours, given that the item has already operated for 1,000 hours.

Syntax: AVERAGE(Number1,Number2,...)

Example 1: =AVERAGE(10,7,9,27,2) sums the numbers, then divides by 5 to return 11.

Example 2: =AVERAGE(A1:A6) returns the average of the values in cells A1 through A6.

Word Processing Functions

These functions are available in the ReliaSoft Workbook's word processing module in Weibull++. To access these functions, use the Function Wizard for data sources. The selected function must first be inserted into the word processing module before you can change its settings.

Format: [PROJECT]

Example: [PROJECT] returns the current project name.

Format: [RELIABILITY(Source Number)(Time)]

Example: [RELIABILITY(1)(1000)] uses the analysis in associated data source 1 to return the reliability at 1,000 hours.

Format: [BOUNDREL(Source Number)(Time; Confidence Level)]

Example: [BOUNDREL(1)(1000;0.9)] uses the analysis in associated data source 1 to return the  90% one-sided confidence bound on the reliability at 1,000 hours.

Format: [TBLREL(Source Number)(Start Time;End Time;Time Increment)]

Example: [TBLREL(1)(100;500;50)] uses the analysis in associated data source 1 to return a table containing calculated reliability results at 100 hours and every additional 50 hours until 500 hours has been reached (i.e., 100, 150, 200, 250, etc.).

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