Accelerated Life Testing Plots

For life-stress data only.

To create a plot in a life-stress data folio, choose Life-Stress Data > Analysis > Plot or click the icon on the Main page of the control panel.

Tip: You can add additional plot sheets to the folio by choosing Life-Stress Data > Folio Sheets > Insert Additional Plot. The additional sheets can function as overlay plots to display results from multiple data sheets in the current folio on a single plot.

The following is a description of the different types of plots that can be created in a life-stress data folio. (For general information on working with plots, see Plot Utilities.)

Note that the use stress level for plots is by default the level you entered on the Main page of the control panel. However, you may adjust the level for plots by clicking Set Use Stress directly underneath the Analysis Summary area of the Plot page. This will not change the use stress level specified on the Main page.

Note: Unlike the probability plots for other distributions, the y-axis in an exponential probability plot always indicates the reliability instead of the unreliability. This tradition arose from the time when probability plotting was performed "by hand." The exponential reliability model starts with R = 1 at T = 0 (or gamma). Thus, if the unreliability were plotted, the axis would start at Q = 1 - R = 0, which is not possible, given that the y-axis scale is logarithmic.

The following plots show the relationship between stress level and another reliability metric. In multi-stress situations, one stress is varied and the remaining stresses are fixed. Click Set Use Stress on the Plot page of the control panel to select the varied stress.

The following plots are residual plots. In these plots, a residual value for each data point is displayed. As a result, these plots are useful for assessing model assumptions, revealing inadequacies in the model and revealing any extreme observations. The ReliaWiki resource portal has more information on residual plots at:

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