Linked Blocks
A linked block can be used to represent the same system or assembly in more than one location within the system hierarchy. When the analysis for the original (source) system/assembly is updated, any linked blocks are updated automatically.
Linked blocks are available regardless of which prediction standard is being used. You can add this block via the Select a Component window.
When you create a new linked block (or double-click an existing one), the Link Block windows allows you to view/select the source that it represents. The source for a linked block can be any standard item (i.e., ,
) or block (i.e.,
) in the same prediction folio. As shown next, the label <None> indicates that a source has not yet been selected, and the drop-down list can display the names or the part numbers of the eligible source items, depending on your selection.
The source and failure rate for a linked block are identified in the Properties panel, as shown next. If you click the Link Source Name (which is a hyperlink), the source item will be selected automatically so you can view/edit its properties.