Help Center

The Help Center, which is part of the Backstage view, is intended to help you use the application more effectively by providing quick access to a variety of support tools. To access the Help Center, choose File > Help.

Using This Application

Help File opens the application's help file. If you have an active Internet connection, the help topics that you see will always be the most up-to-date versions available. If you do not have an active Internet connection, the help topics that you see will be the local copy that was installed on your computer.
Quick Tour opens the Quick Tour within the application's help file. The Quick Tour provides a brief overview of the application's features, including basic steps for performing the most common analysis types. This command is available only if the current application offers a Quick Tour.

Online Resources

ReliaSoft at opens the home page for ReliaSoft software on the website.
ReliaSoft References opens the home page for ReliaSoft references, offered as a resource for professionals in reliability engineering and related fields.


Open Examples Folder provides access to a set of example projects that are designed to help you explore various software features.

Technical Support

E-mail Support generates an e-mail to request technical support. The e-mail is pre-populated with information about your license and operating system, which the technical support representative will need for troubleshooting the issue..
Contact Technical Support provides the contact information you will need to obtain technical support
Check for Update allows you to download the latest free service release for the software.
 Licensing displays your license and registration details. To view or edit additional information, click License Manager. The License Manager displays additional information about which products you have currently registered and/or your contact information on file with us.
 About displays the application's Compile Release Version (CRV) (sometimes called a "build number"), which allows you to determine whether you have the latest version of the software.