Database Settings
The Database Settings window contains settings that are shared by all users and analysis projects in the database. To access this window, choose File > Manage Database > Database Settings. (In a secure database, this is available only for users with the "Manage other database settings" permission.)
In a standard database, you can save the current settings as the default for each new standard database that you create from this computer by clicking the Set as Default button at the bottom of the window.
E-mail Settings Page
- Enable Alerts via E-mail or SMS configures the database to enable alerts via e-mail or SMS text message. (See Enable Alerts via E-mail or SMS.)
- Action Alerts apply to action resources. The database can be configured to auto-subscribe a "watch" for users based on their role(s) for a particular action. You can also specify the default text that will be used at the beginning of each action alert. (See Action Alert Preferences.)
Actions Page
This page allows you to automatically set the person who created an action to be the person responsible for it (see Person Responsible and Resources) and to hide the action start and completion dates in the FMEA worksheet view. You can also specify a default value for the Planned Duration field in actions. This value is a number of working days.
FMEA Change Logs Page
- Activate change log when FMEA is created configures the database to start a change log and an open revision when an FMEA analysis is created via any workflow (e.g., creating, copying, importing, etc.). This option is available only to members of the Admin group in the database. When this option is selected, you can define the version label that is used for the initial revision; this label does not have to be included in the list of predefined labels if such a list is defined (see next option below). If no custom label is defined, "First Revision" will be used by default. Version labels can be changed at any time.
- Restrict version labels to a predefined list allows you to limit the version labels used for FMEA change log revisions in XFMEA/RCM++ (see Change Logs in the XFMEA/RCM++ documentation) so that users must select labels from a predefined list. When this option is selected, you can define the list of labels on this page.
Attachments Page
This page allows you to restrict the types of files that users can attach to or link to (see Attachments).
- Do not allow users to attach links to files and URLs prevents a user from adding file links and URL links to the database. In such cases, only embedded file attachments can be created.
- Restrict files users can attach to the database enables you to enter a list of the file extensions that will be permitted to be embedded or attached. Enter the values, separated by semicolons, then click Verify (e.g., .doc;.docx;.pdf;.html).
IMPORTANT: For an existing database, these settings only apply going forward. Any attachment that does not meet the criteria can still be used or edited, but all new ones must match these criteria. Also note that these settings do NOT apply to Report Word Doc attachments in XFMEA/RCM++ and MPC, which can only be attachments with a *.doc or *.docx extension.
Other Settings Page
- FMEA Structure (XFMEA/RCM++) allows you to select the default FMEA structure for new projects created in the database, which determines how the software will display the effect and cause records in the FMEAs. If you don't specify a default, users will be prompted to select the structure for each new project they create in XFMEA/RCM++. (See Choosing the FMEA Structure in the XFMEA/RCM++ documentation.)
- History Logs allows you to turn the log on (or off) for all active projects, and stores a preference for whether the log should be activated by default for each new project. (See History Logs.)
- Project Planner allows you to enable the Project Planner for use in all projects in the database.
- Enable publish to SEP web portal is available only in enterprise databases. If your organization has established an SEP web portal for the current database, select this check box to enable users to publish analysis summaries, ReliaSoft Workbooks and other information to the portal.
- Delete All Portal Messages deletes all portal messages for all users in the database. There is no undo for deleting portal messages.