Other Common Settings

The Common Settings > Other page of the Application Setup can be changed from within any ReliaSoft desktop application.

  • Model, Variable and Workbook Names disallows spaces and special characters in the names of models (including those published from any ReliaSoft desktop application) and variables, and in the names of workbooks created in BlockSim. This will ensure that all models, variables and workbooks can be used in equations in event analysis flowcharts.
  • Display Object IDs. Select the check box to always display the unique object identifier (object ID) of each project and resource in the database. The project IDs will be displayed in the Manage Projects window and in the Edit Project Properties window, while the resource IDs will be displayed in the Resource Manager. In BlockSim, diagram IDs and block IDs will be shown in the control panel and in the Block Details simulation results worksheet.
  • Copy Plot Graphic sets the default file type to use when copying a plot to the Clipboard as an image. If you will be pasting copied plots into ReliaSoft Workbooks, choose Metafile for ReliaSoft use. If you will be pasting them into external applications, choose Bitmap or Metafile for external use.

    This default setting is used when you copy a plot using Home > Copy or CTRL+C. If you want to choose the graphic on the spot, you can do so by right-clicking the plot and choosing the Copy Plot Graphic command on the shortcut menu.
  • Hierarchical Trees sets the maximum number of lines for displaying names and descriptions in any of the hierarchical tree interfaces used in XFMEA/RCM++, Lambda Predict and MPC.

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