Flowchart Simulation Results

Results for event analysis flowcharts are shown in worksheets in the Results Explorer. The available worksheets are presented next.

General Summary Results

The General Summary worksheet presents an overview of the simulation settings.

  • Number of Simulations: The number of simulations per run in the last analysis that was performed.
  • Seed Value: The seed value, if any, used when generating random numbers during simulation.
  • Simulation Variable 1(2): The name of the variable(s) modified during simulation, if any.
  • Variable Start: The starting value of the modified variable.
  • Variable End: The ending value of the modified variable.
  • Number of Runs: The number of runs that were performed for the modified variable in the last analysis. Unless you performed one or more sensitivity analyses, this will be one.  

Result Storage Blocks

The Result Storage Blocks worksheets display the simulation results for each result storage block in the flowchart or in any subcharts called during simulation. Note that for any block not located in the main flowchart, the name of the flowchart in which it is used is displayed in the navigation panel. Click the name of the block in the navigation panel to display the block details on a separate worksheet for that corresponding block.

The first table displays the following information:

  • Flowchart(s) Location: The path by which the result storage block was accessed during simulation. For example, consider a result storage block located in Flowchart 1. If you simulated Flowchart 1, then the location shown would simply be "Flowchart 1." However, if Flowchart 1 is called by "Subchart Block" in Flowchart 2, and you simulated Flowchart 2, then the location shown would be "Flowchart 2.Subchart Block->Flowchart 1."
  • Storage Type: The type of data that the result storage block contains (i.e., average, sum, array, minimum, maximum, last value or normalized sum of results).
  • Runs Stored [per Analysis]: The number of runs of simulations performed. If you performed multiple analyses, this information is for each analysis.

The second table displays the value (or values, if the result storage block is an array) of the result storage block at the end of each simulation run. If you have performed only one run, only the result storage block name and value will be displayed. If you have performed multiple runs (i.e., a single sensitivity analysis), the table will contain values for the varied variable(s) and for the result storage block. (Where two variables are varied, the values of the variable named first are in the first column (column A) and the values of the variable named second are in the heading row of the table.) If you have performed multiple analyses, the table(s) will contain values for the varied variable(s) and for the result storage block for each analysis.

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