Display Settings
The Display page of BlockSim's Application Setup contains default settings that will be applied when you create a new diagram or workbook in BlockSim.
- Truncate block names when the number of characters exceedssets the maximum number of characters displayed for block names.
- Event Analysis Equation
- Add parameters when inserting functions using function selector. Select the check box to automatically prompt for parameter inputs when you use the function selector or equation editor to insert functions into equations in event analysis flowchart blocks and resources.
- Validate equations during editing. Select the check box to have the software automatically check equations in event analysis flowchart blocks and resources for errors while you are editing them. If not selected, equations will be validated upon simulation.
- Other Options
- Default folio font sets the default font for sheets in new workbooks.
- Show list of distributions on hovering displays the distribution/model drop-down list when you move the pointer over the bar (e.g., in the Distribution Estimator). If not selected, you must click the bar to display the list.