Disabling Account Access Due to Inactivity

Starting in Version 2021, XFRACAS provides tools for automatically disabling account access when users fail to log in for a specified period (e.g., 30 days). In addition, you can configure e-mail alerts to warn users when their account is due to expire so they can avoid interruptions in access.

To implement this feature,

  • An instance of the XFRACAS DIU service must installed and operating correctly. (See DIU Service.)
  • The Terms of Use Agreement Page Required preference must be enabled (set to True; see System-Wide Preferences). When enabled, this page will display the first time a user logs in to XFRACAS each day. Users must click the Accept button to proceed.

You’ll also need to specify values for two additional system-wide preferences. Both indicate the number of days that must elapse after the users’ last login, and both must be integers greater than 0.

  • Inactive Users E-mail Date Offset - determines when an e-mail alert is sent to users to warn them that they must log in to avoid losing their account access. If they fail to log in (and accept the terms of use) after this period, XFRACAS will send them an e-mail notifying them of their pending account suspension.
  • Inactive Users Account Expiration Offset - determines when the user account will be retired from all entities. No additional notifications will be sent if this value is exceeded.

Note: By default, these two preferences are blank. Setting either to 0 will disable this functionality.