Importing and Exporting Data

XFRACAS offers several ways to import and export XFRACAS records (e.g., incidents, system configurations, etc.) via *.xml or *.xlsx templates.

  • Use the Data Import page to view and manage the import queue, the log of processed files and the log of files that could not be processed.
  • Use the optional XFRACAS Data Import Utility (DIU) Windows service (running on the web server) to process the import queue on a scheduled basis.
  • Use the optional XFRACAS Web Service in your own custom application to insert XML files into the import queue, along with other related functions.

Preparing Data for Import

Before you can import data using any of these methods, you'll need to convert it to the required XML structure, which typically involves the use of a template and a data mapping tool.

Note: Instructions for building this XML template are provided in the XFRACAS Data Import Guide (*.pdf). This guide also walks through a few examples of common data mapping scenarios.

In addition, example files are available for some of the more common import scenarios. You may be able to save time by downloading and adapting these files to import your own data. (See XML and XLSX Templates.)

If you plan to import serialized systems based on an existing system template, see Tips for Importing Serialized Systems. This method can save time, especially when importing multiple serialized systems.

Importing from Other ReliaSoft Applications

If you are using ReliaSoft XFMEA or RCM++ for failure modes and effects analysis, you also have the option to import and/or synchronize system templates and failure modes. (See Import or Sync from XFMEA.)

Note that you can also use the Reliability Data Warehouse (RDW) in Weibull++ to extract data from XFRACAS to build data sets for life data analysis or repairable system/reliability growth analysis. (See Reliability Data Warehouse in the Weibull++ documentation.)