Transfer Functions

To transfer functions to an existing FMEA, choose FMEA > FMEA Records > Functions > Transfer Functions.

To use the Transfer Functions window:

  1. Select where you want to transfer functions from.

    • Database: You can transfer from any FMEA in any project in the database, as long as the project has the same FMEA structure as the current project (e.g., if the current project uses Grouped Effects and Causes, you can transfer from any project with the Grouped Effects and Causes FMEA structure).

      If you select this option, you will need to select the project and the analysis that you want to transfer from. The Select Project area works similarly to the project list, but shows only those projects with the required FMEA structure. The Select Analysis area shows the system hierarchy items in the selected project that have FMEAs. Both areas can use the same project and item filters that are available in many other locations throughout ReliaSoft desktop applications.

    • Parent: You can transfer from the FMEA for the current item’s immediate parent item.

    • Source Analyses: You can transfer from any FMEA that has associated functions in the current FMEA. This allows you to transfer any newly added or previously unselected functions from those analyses.

  2. Use the Select Functions area to select the function(s) that you want to add to the current analysis.

  3. In the Map Records for Transfer area, select options from the drop-down lists to define how the data will be "mapped" from the original analysis to the new analysis.

    • If the source record type is the same as the descendant record type (e.g., if you choose to create new functions from original functions), then all record properties will be duplicated in the descendant.

    • If the record types do not match, only the descriptions will be duplicated in the descendant.

    • If you create descendant effects from source failures and severity ratings are enabled in the project, then the highest severity of the effects of the source failure will be used as the descendant effect’s severity.

Tip: If you want to transfer controls and actions, choose to create new causes from original Causes with Controls/Actions. If you select only Causes, no controls or actions will be added.

  1. In the Other Options area:

    • Select Track record associations to maintain information about the association between the source records and the descendant records. This option is selected by default. If you clear the check box, no association information will be recorded. You cannot later add this information; it must be tracked from the time of the record transfer.

    • Transfer revised RPN ratings as initial ratings if selected, each source record’s revised severity, occurrence and detection rating (if any) will be set as the descendant record’s initial rating; the descendant’s revised rating will be blank. This may be useful when, for example, you are creating an FMEA for the next version of a product. If this option is not selected, the source records’ initial and revised ratings will be unchanged in the descendant records.

    • Select Transfer actions and controls as new records to create new action and control resources in the descendant records, rather than pointing to the existing resources. This option is available only when transferring functions within a single project; when transferring functions between projects, new actions/controls are always created.

Note: In projects using sub-severity ratings, only overall severity ratings are used in transferring records. Severity ratings will not be transferred if you have neither assigned nor calculated overall ratings.

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