Home > Plot Utilities > Plot Setup > Plot Setup: Plot Items Page
The Plot Items page allows you to specify details of the appearance of the points, lines, bars and/or slices on the plot.
The options available on this page will vary depending on the plot style that you are currently working with.
The following options are available for all plot styles:
Choose an Item to Configure allows you to choose which plot element the settings on this page apply to.
Show allows you to select whether or not the plot element you currently chose to configure will be shown on the plot. Depending on the plot style that you are currently working with, you may select to show the bars, slice, line and/or points. This option is not available for all plots.
For bar charts and pie charts, the following option applies.
Area Fill Color and Style allows you to specify the appearance of the bar or slice representing the selected item. To change the color of the bar or slice, click the Color box. You can select a fill style from the drop-down list.
For line plots, the following options apply:
Line Settings allows you to specify the appearance of the line representing the selected item. To change the color of the line, click the Color box. You can adjust the thickness of a grid line by entering a positive integer in the input box. Adjust the thickness of the line by entering a positive integer in the input box. Change the style of each line such as solid, dashed, etc., by clicking the Line Style box.
Point Settings
Color, Shape, Size and Fill allows you to specify the appearance of the point body. To change the color of the point, click the Color box. You can select a point shape from the drop-down list, select the size of the point (with 1 being the smallest point) and select a fill style from the drop-down list.
Border Color, Thickness and Style allows you to modify the appearance of the border of the points. To change the color of the border, click the Color box. Adjust the thickness of the border by entering a positive integer in the input box. Change the style of each line such as solid, dashed, etc., by clicking the Line Style box.
Certain point shapes are drawn using only the border color. These include minus, pike, plus and x-cross.