Diagram Ribbon Diagram Tab

The Diagram tab in the Diagram window contains the following commands:


  Add Block adds a new block to the diagram.

  Add Container is available only for an FMEA block diagram and adds a new container block to the diagram.

  Add Annotation adds a new annotation to the diagram. You can edit the text that appears in the annotation by double-clicking it to open the Edit User-Defined Label window.

  Auto Arrange automatically arranges the blocks in the diagram so that all blocks are evenly spaced and aligned. (See Arranging and Resizing Blocks.)

  Create Functions is available only for an FMEA Block Diagram and creates new FMEA functions for the current item based on the selected connections in the Connections area.


  Connect Blocks allows you to create connectors between blocks in the current diagram. When this command is selected, click the source block, hold down the left mouse button and drag a line from the source block to the destination block. When the crosshairs are located above the destination block, release the mouse button to create a connector. To stop adding connectors and return to the normal mode, right-click the diagram or clear the Connect Blocks command (i.e., by choosing the command again).

The following options are only available if you are working with an FMEA Block Diagram. Before creating a connection, select the appropriate type. The command indicates which type of connector will be created:

    • Physical Connection

    • Material Exchange

    • Energy Transfer

    • Data Exchange

  Lock Diagram locks the current diagram. When the diagram is locked, you cannot make changes to it. Select Lock Diagram again to unlock the diagram.


  Rename Block opens the Rename Block window, which allows you to customize the block's name.

  Line Bend alters the bend style of the selected connectors. The commands are: Angle, Right Angle, Straight Line, Curved, Custom Curves, Custom Angles and Default.

The following commands are available only if the style is Custom Curves or Custom Angles: Remove Bend Point and Remove All Bend Points.

  Connector Type is available only for an FMEA Block Diagram and allows you to change the type of connector used. The options are Physical Connection, Material Exchange, Energy Transfer and Data Exchange.


  Cascade Select selects all the blocks that are connected from the selected block. This allows you to easily select all blocks that are connected to a block.

  Trace Path traces the path of the selected block. Click another block or the diagram to remove the traced path. The color of the traced path is the same as the color for a selected connector and can be set in the Diagram Style window. The thickness of the path can also be set in the Diagram Style window, independent of the properties of a selected connector,

  Diagram Actions allows you to perform various actions on the diagram.

  Refresh Diagram updates the diagram to show any changes.

  Diagram Style opens the Diagram Style window, which allows you to customize the appearance of the current diagram and set the default properties for connectors and new blocks that are added to the diagram.

  Export Graphic saves the diagram as a graphic in one of the following formats: *.wmf, *.png, *.gif or *.jpg. You will be able to use the exported graphic in any application, provided that the application supports the file format.

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