The Find window in FMEA diagrams allows you to search for text and/or numbers. To open the Find window, choose Home > Edit > Find.
Use the Find what field to type the text and/or number you want to find in the current diagram.
Use the Search field to find the text and/or number by block caption.
By Block Caption searches for the block(s) with the text and/or number in the block caption.
Select Match case to find only the text in the current sheet with the same case. For example, the search term "teXt" will not find "Text" because the case does not match.
Select Find whole field if you want to find only the text where the entire word matches the text and/or number you specified in the Find What field. If your search term makes up only part of a word, that word will not be found.
Click Find Next to find the next matching text and/or number. When the text and/or numbers are found, the cursor will go to that particular block.