Control Plan Worksheet

This topic describes how to enter data in the Worksheet tab. For a description of all columns that could be displayed in a Control Plan worksheet analysis, see Control Plan Worksheet Columns.

The Worksheet tab provides the structure for documenting the characteristics that will be tracked in the control plan and the strategy for keeping those characteristics under control. There are three types of records in the control plan Worksheet tab: part/process records (purple fields), characteristic records (green fields) and method records (tan fields). The following figure shows an example of a control plan. Note that you can vary the format of the control plan based on the needs of your analysis. If you have the permissions necessary to edit the project properties, you can choose which columns will be enabled for each type of record and what they will be called. This includes user-defined fields and the ability to define the options in the configurable drop-down lists, when applicable.

Example of the data-entry columns that you could enable or configure in a control plan.

Tip: Starting in Version 2020, if the analysis contains records with ancestry information, each record's cell contains an icon ( , or ) indicating the status of its association with the source record.

When using the control plan worksheet, you have the following options:

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