Check Spelling

ReliaSoft desktop applications offer the ability to check the spelling of your text. This utility is available in different places within the software. For windows that offer the spell check functionality (e.g., Project Properties window, etc.), the Check Spelling icon will be displayed within the window itself. For data sheets, spreadsheets and system hierarchies that offer the functionality, the Check Spelling icon will be available on the ribbon and you can access it by choosing Home > Edit > Spelling.

Note: In system hierarchies (XFMEA, RCM++, RBI, MPC and Lambda Predict), the utility will check the property fields of the selected item only. This means that sub-items and text in analysis tabs, such as the FMEA tab in XFMEA, are not checked.

Whenever text that is not in the application's dictionary is found, the Check Spelling window displays the text in question and offers a list of suggestions to verify the error or confirm the correction, as shown in the following example.