General Settings

The Settings page of XFMEA/RCM++'s Application Setup contains the following settings:

  • General
    • Maximum number of results returned by queries sets the maximum number of results to display when you are using the Query utility.
    • Allow multiple open projects (project windows) allows you to open multiple projects simultaneously in XFMEA/RCM++. (There is a separate setting for applications that use a current project explorer. See Common Settings.)
    • Hide reliability nodes on item properties hides the Operation, Reliability Policy, Reliability/Availability and Push to Metrics nodes on the Properties tab when you're working in the system hierarchy. These nodes will still be displayed when you're working in the FMRA.
    • Enable MIL-1629A Criticality displays the following command on the Home tab of the ribbon. This allows you to perform criticality analysis in a separate utility, rather than directly in the FMRA.

    • Use 'display name' from interface style for FMEA commands/windows uses the display name from the interface style (which is configurable for each project), rather than the property name (which is the same for all projects) for the FMEA commands and properties windows.
  • Exponential Parameter specifies whether to show lambda (failure rate) or mean time (1/failure rate) for the exponential distribution parameter.
  • Numeric Display sets the math precision (number of decimal places) and the point at which the software will switch to scientific notation. For example, if the scientific notation tolerance is set to 5, then any number that is larger than 105 will be displayed using scientific notation.
  • Create a default function for new items automatically adds an FMEA and creates the first function for each new item that you add to a system hierarchy.
  • Repeat data in worksheet views populates the gray areas in analysis worksheet views with the relevant text from a prior row. For example, if there are 3 failures for the same function, the worksheet will show the function description in all 3 rows.
  • Resources in FMEAs. When you are creating a control or an action from within an FMEA, if a resource of that type with an identical description already exists then you will see a message notifying you of this fact. The message gives you the option to open the Select Resource window and choose the existing resource or to create a new resource with the specified description. (You can also cancel the operation, return to the FMEA and type a different description.) You can select to stop showing the message in the future, either within the message dialog itelf or by clearing the relevant option here in the Application Setup; if you do this, a new resource will always be created in such cases, despite the existing resource.

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