Plot Setup: Zoom Page

The Zoom page allows you to customize the options used when zooming in on a plot by using the mouse wheel. Zooming works only for plots with scales. For more information, see Basic Plot Features.

Allow Zoom if selected, allows the plot zoom feature to be used.

  • Factor use this option to set the amount of the magnification each time you use the mouse wheel on the plot. The lower the number, the greater the increase in the magnification.
  • Use the Border Color, Thickness and Style option to set the appearance of the zoom box. To change the color of the border, click the Color box to the left of the Thickness box. Adjust the thickness of the border by entering a positive integer in the input box. Change the style of the line (e.g., solid, dashed, etc.) by clicking the Line Style box to the right of the Color box.
  • Fill Style allows you to select a style of hatching to be used on the zoom box.
  • Fill Color allows you to specify a foreground color to be used on the zoom box. This color is not used if the selected fill style does not use a background color (i.e., solid or transparent fill style).
  • Background color allows you to specify a background color to be used on the zoom box. This color is not used if the selected fill style does not use a background color (i.e., solid or transparent fill style).

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