Plot Setup: Slices Page

The Slices page allows you to customize the appearance of the slices in the plot. This page is available only when you are working with a pie chart or tableau plot.

  • Pie Settings
    • Rank if selected, you can specify the ranking of the slices that you want to view. For example, entering 5 will cause only the five largest slices to be shown in the plot.
    • Threshold if selected, you can specify a minimum size (in percentage of the whole) for the slices that you want to view. For example, entering 0.1 will cause only slices accounting for ten percent or more of the whole to be shown in the plot.
    • Show Remaining Slices as Other if selected, all remaining slices that do not meet the rank or threshold criterion specified will be shown in the plot as "other." This option is available only if you have specified a rank, a threshold or both.
    • Other Slice Color allows you to choose the color used to represent "other" slices. This option is available only if you have selected the Show Remaining Slices as Other option.
  • Slice Border Lines allows you to hide or show the border line for the slices, as well as to select a color, a thickness and a style for the border.
  • Chart Type allows you to select how you want the plot laid out. You can choose to use an area chart (blocks), cake chart (layers) or pie chart (wedges).

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