Plot Setup: Legend Page

The Legend page allows you to customize the display of the legend on the current plot.

The options on this page will vary depending on the plot style you are working with. All available options are presented below.

  • To display the legend on the plot, select the Show Legend check box.
    • To include on the legend a color definition for each point/line/bar/slice shown in the plot, select the Show Plot Items check box.
    • To include lines above and below the legend and the user information, select the Show Legend Border check box. Use the options to the right to modify the appearance of the border. To change the color of the border, click the Color box to the left of the Thickness box. Adjust the thickness of the border by entering a positive integer in the input box. Change the style of the line (e.g., solid, dashed, etc.) by clicking the Line Style box to the right of the Color box.
    • To display the text of the legend in the same color as the lines, points, bars and/or slices on the plot, select the Use Item Color check box. If not selected, the text will be red.
    • Show Analysis Information if selected, the legend will display information about the analysis shown on the plot, including the data source and/or the settings used in the calculation, if applicable.
    • To display the plot description (including the plot type) on the plot, select the Show Plot Description check box.
    • To show the user display name, company and the date and time the plot was generated on the plot, select the Show User Information check box. (You set the display name and company using the User Login and Contact Information Window.)
  • The legend area allows you to specify the amount of space used for the legend.
    • Fixed Legend Width if selected, the legend will remain the same size regardless of the information it contains. You can set the percentage of the canvas width that the legend will occupy.
    • Maximum Legend Width if selected, the legend will automatically recalculate its width based on the information it contains. You can set the maximum percentage of the canvas area that the legend will occupy.

Click the Set Font button next to the corresponding option to open the Font window, which allows you to set the font type, style, size and color of the text.

  • For bar and pie charts in BlockSim only, Color Spectrum allows you to set the color limits for the plot.
    • You can set both lower and upper color limits by dragging the markers on the scale between 0% and 100%.
    • Show all values (0-100%) in legend if selected, the legend will show the full range of values; if not selected, the legend will show only the values between the upper and lower limits that you have specified.

The preview shows how the specified settings will appear in the legend.

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