Overlay Plots

Available in Weibull++ and BlockSim, overlay plots give you the ability to display results from multiple analyses in a single plot. This allows you to easily compare different data sets, analysis methods or distributions. For example, you may wish to show the reliability plots of two product designs in the same plot or compare a simulation-based data set with actual data obtained from fielded products.

Creating an Overlay Plot

Before using an overlay plot, you must first analyze the data sets (or simulate the diagrams) you wish to include in the plot. Then to add an overlay plot to the project, choose Home > Insert > Overlay Plot.

In the window that appears, select the data sheets/diagrams you want to include in the plot (up to a maximum of 20) and click OK to create the plot sheet. The plot sheet will be saved automatically under the Multiplots heading in the current project explorer.

Tip: In Weibull++, you can add additional plot sheets to a folio by choosing [Life Data/Life-Stress Data/Growth Data] > Folio Sheets > Insert Additional Plot. The additional sheets can function as overlay plots to display results from multiple data sheets in the current folio on a single plot.

Adding or Removing Analyses

To add or remove analyses from an overlay plot, click the button on the control panel, as shown in the example below for data sheets.

If you later delete an analysis that is referenced by the plot, the plot will remain available and will continue to show the results of the analysis until you redraw the plot (by clicking the Redraw Plot icon on the control panel).

Note that importing or exporting an overlay plot will automatically import/export the associated source analyses. (See Importing/Exporting Project Items or Resources.)

Available Plot Types for Overlay Plots

The available plots depend on the analysis or type of data you are working with.

ClosedFor Weibull++

Probability plots, contour plots and life-stress plots are available only if the data sets have been calculated with the same distribution. This is because the scales or axes in those types of plots vary for different types of distributions.

In DOE design folios, plots that are intended to be viewed as singular plots will not be available for inclusion in overlay plots. These include the comparison chart, Pareto chart, interaction matrix, term effect plot, cube plot, residual histogram, residual autocorrelation plot, and Box-Cox transformation plot. In addition, only plots that are common to the type(s) of design you have selected will be available in the overlay plot. If a plot type is unavailable for any of the included design types, it will be unavailable in the overlay plot.

For growth data, only plots that are common to the analyses you have selected will be available in the overlay plot. If a plot type is unavailable for any of the included analyses, it will be unavailable in the overlay plot. It is possible for the selected analyses to not have any common plot types.

ClosedFor BlockSim

You can compare data from analytical and simulation diagrams in the same plot, but keep in mind that analytical diagrams always show the reliability over time (does not account for repairs) while simulation diagrams always show the point reliability over time (may include repairs).

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