Connector Handles and Indicators

You can customize the following diagram-level connector properties. These settings apply to all connectors of all types within the diagram and cannot be overridden at the connector level.

  • If you select Show Connectors Over Blocks, any connectors that cross blocks will be shown over (i.e., in front of) those blocks. Otherwise, the blocks will be displayed on top.
  • Where connectors attach to blocks if the blocks are not in direct horizontal or vertical alignment. If the Automatic Connection Preference field is set to Left-Right, the connector will attach to the sides of the blocks; if it is set to Top-Bottom, the connector will attach to the top and bottom of the blocks. If No Preference is chosen, the connector will attach to the closest edges.
  • The colors used for:
    • All connector handles and selected connectors.
    • Connectors to/from highlighted blocks (i.e., blocks that are part of a multiple selection).
    • Connectors leading to or from a selected block. This can be helpful in visualizing how a block is connected within a complex diagram.
  • The size of the arrow head, in inches.
  • The thickness of connectors in a traced path.

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