Change Units

In Weibull++, you have the ability to define the units used for the data set and calculations. For example, if your data set contains failure times in hours, you now have the option to perform calculations using different time units such as years, months, days, etc. The software performs the unit conversion automatically. Authorized users can define the units that will be available for use in any project within the database and set up the conversion factors.

The units are displayed in the heading of the relevant column in the data sheet. If you wish to change the units of an existing data sheet, click the Change Units icon on the Main page of the control panel.

In the Change Units window, the units that are currently being used in the data sheet will be displayed at the top of the window. In the Change Units To field, you can choose any other defined unit to be used in the data sheet. In the Conversion Options area, specify what will happen when the units are changed:

  • You can convert the existing data to the new units. For example, if you had a time of 10 in a data sheet that was using hours, that time would become 600 if you converted the data to minutes (10 hours x 60 minutes per hour = 600 minutes). For life data, life-stress data and growth data folios, when this option is selected, you can select whether you want to copy the data to a new sheet in the folio and then perform the conversion, leaving the original data sheet unchanged, or convert the data in the current sheet.
  • You can leave the data unchanged and just apply the new units. This would be appropriate if, for example, you had entered all of your data and then realized that the data sheet was using different units from the original units in which the times were measured.

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