Other Settings

The Other Settings page of Weibull++'s Application Setup contains default settings that will be applied when you create a new folio.

  • Preferences
    • Show the Project Item Wizard when creating new projects displays a wizard that helps you select the first new folio to create in a project. If not selected, the new project will be blank.
    • While QCP is open, have access to all folios locks the QCP in a top window position (i.e., non-modal) so it can remain open while you have access to all folios. The calculations performed in the QCP will be based on the currently active data sheet. If not selected, you must close the QCP in order to return to the folios. This setting can also be changed from within the QCP by selecting or clearing the Non-Modal QCP option in the Options drop-down list.
    • While Analysis Summary is open, have access to all folios lets you view other folios while the DOE Analysis Summary window is still open. If not selected, you must close the Analysis Summary window to return to the folios.
    • Show warning when deleting columns with data displays a confirmation message when using the Add or Remove Columns window to delete a column that has data.
    • Show warning when deleting data sheets displays a confirmation message when deleting a data sheet.
  • Diagram. The following settings apply to diagrams created in Weibull++:
    • Truncate block names when the number of characters exceeds sets the maximum number of characters displayed for block names.
    • Ask for confirmation when connecting multiple blocks. By default, when you have multiple blocks selected in a diagram and you add a connector to one of the selected blocks, the connection goes only to the block you place the connector on. Select the check box to be prompted to add connections to all of the selected blocks.
    • Ask to apply changes when using the Format Painter displays a window with the Format Painter that allows you to specify which settings will be applied to another block.
  • Other Options
    • Default folio font sets the default font for data sheets in new folios.
    • Show list of distributions on hovering displays the distribution/model drop-down list in control panels when you move the pointer over the bar. If not selected, you must click the bar to display the list.

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