Task Scheduling

The following information applies to the task scheduling properties for preventive tasks, inspection tasks and the inspection portion of on condition tasks.

Click the arrow in the When is this task performed? field to define the criteria for performing the task. The remaining fields in the task scheduling properties will depend on your selection in this field. The task can be performed:

The remaining task scheduling properties for each type of schedule are given next. For any interval that you specify, you will be asked to specify the units used.

    • Calendar time refers to the elapsed simulation time. If the assigned interval is 100 days based on calendar time, then the task will be performed for the first time at 100 days of elapsed simulation time, for the second time at 200 days of elapsed simulation time and so on, regardless of whether the block fails and gets repaired correctively between those times.

If the task is performed at fixed intervals, you can select the Override task scheduling properties with a task package option to assign the task to a task package, which is a group of tasks that are performed together at scheduled intervals. (Note that if a task has been assigned to a task package, the task scheduling properties will be disabled and displayed in italics.)

Note: For preventive and inspection tasks that are scheduled based on item age, the Perform this task even if the item failed before this task was scheduled to occur? property determines whether actual age or "virtual age" is considered. If you answer Yes, the task will be performed even if the item has already failed. In other words, the item's "clock" is not stopped upon failure, and the item's virtual age is used to trigger the task. (For more about this option, see Preventive Tasks.)

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