Factorial Designs

Factorial designs are typically used for screening factors/interactions. In other words, they help you determine which factors have a significant effect on the response and identify interactions between those factors. The following four types of factorial designs are available:

When selecting a factorial design type, it is important to keep these considerations in mind:

More specifically, fractionality results in some level of aliasing (or confounding), where the effect of a certain factor or factorial interaction cannot be separated from another effect. Designs in which main effects are aliased with lower-order interactions are said to be low resolution and are appropriate for screening (e.g., a resolution III design, in which main effects may be aliased with second-order interactions, which are interactions of two factors). Fractional factorial designs of higher resolution, along with full factorial designs, may also be useful for studying factorial effects and interactions in depth and/or for optimization. Resolution is presented in more detail in Two Level Factorial Designs.

For more information about how to use the design types, please consult the documentation on design folios.

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