Action Timeline and Status

For all action resources, the status is determined automatically based on the actual and expected start/completion dates. If an action is included in the Project Planner, its expected timeline can automatically shift in response to delays in prior activities. If the action is not included in the plan, the expected dates are always identical to the originally planned dates.

The following status indicators are displayed in the status bar of the action properties window and in other relevant locations. (Note that the status bar now also displays a separate review status to indicate whether a user has been assigned to review/approve the action and, if so, the status of the review. See Review and Approve Actions.)

  Not Started: The action hasn't started, but it can still start on time.

  Past Start Date: The action hasn't started, and it is too late to start on time.

  In Progress: The action has started.

  Past Due: The action hasn't completed, and it is too late to complete on time.

  Completed - On Time: The action completed on time.

  Completed - Late: The action completed late.

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