Actions and Messages Tiles
Actions Tiles
My Actions Tile
The My Actions tile displays actions that are relevant to you and that are pending within the next 7 days, past due or ready for review. (See Action and Messages in SEP for a list of relevance categories.) These actions are grouped under headings that you can collapse or expand:
- Pending Approval
- Past Due
- Due Next 7 Days
- In Progress
- Past Start Date
- Start Today
- Start Tomorrow
- Start in Next 7 Days
To open the Edit Action page from the tile, click the description (blue link).
To specify which relevance categories to show and whether to display actions for active, selected or all projects, use the Settings dialog box.
To open the My Actions page, click the Open
Page icon, .
Actions Grid Tile
The Actions Grid tile displays a list of actions for one or more projects. You can apply various filters to these actions:
- Project - Options include All, Active or Selected. (See Tile Settings).
- Person Responsible - By default, this is set to Any, but you can click the text box to display a menu that allows you to select any or all of the people in the list, including yourself (Me). The Unassigned option is for actions that have not been assigned to anyone (the Person Responsible field was left empty in the desktop application or the Create Actions page in SEP).
- Analysis - By default, all options are selected, but you can choose None, Project Plan and/or FMEA. Select None for analyses that were created via SEP, My Portal or Resource Manager and have not been used in a project plan or an FMEA.
- Planned Completion - Select starting and ending dates to show only actions within that range. If you do not specify a date range, the grid will include actions for all dates.
- Status - Choose from Past Due, In Progress, Not Started and/or Completed.
You can also choose which columns to include in the grid and you can sort, move or resize them if desired. (See "Grid Tile Columns.")
The project (if displayed) and action description appear in the tile grid as blue links; these links open the Project Summary and Edit Action pages.
Note: The Actions Grid and Actions Pie tiles can display a maximum of 50,000 records (the same number as the ReliaSoft desktop applications). If you are experiencing exceptionally long load times or time-outs, we recommend using the filters in the Settings dialog box to limit the number of results.
Actions Pie Tile
The Action Pie tile is a chart that displays the number and relative percentage of actions by:
- Status
- Person Responsible
- Project
The Settings dialog box provides options to filter these results by project, person responsible, analysis, planned completion date and status.
Note that the legend will only include persons or projects without actions if you filter by one or more specific persons or projects. For example, if you choose Project from the Display By drop-down list and then select All projects, the legend shows only those with actions. However, if you filter by one or more specific projects without actions, they appear in the legend as 0%. The same logic applies for the Person Responsible and Status options.
Tip: To highlight a pie "slice," move your pointer over a label in the legend.
Recent Messages Tile
This tile shows a specified quantity of the most recent messages from your Messages page. It includes the subject of the message, its author and the date created.
- To view the message contents, move your cursor over the message to display a popup box. (See Actions and Messages in SEP.)
- To open the Messages page, click the Open
Page icon,