The RS Draw Shape menu contains the following commands.
Move to Front moves the selected object(s) to the front (i.e., displayed over the other layers).
Move to Back moves the selected object(s) to the back (i.e., displayed behind the other layers).
Bind Group groups the selected objects together as one. To ungroup the selected objects, use the Unbind Group command.
Clone creates a duplicate of each currently selected object and places it next to the original.
Align Vertically allows you to vertically align the selected object(s): Left, Center or Right. When aligning objects within the graphic, the first selected object selected is used as the reference point.
Align Horizontally allows you to horizontally align the selected object(s): Top, Middle or Bottom. When aligning objects within the graphic, the first selected object selected is used as the reference point.
Rotate Right and Rotate Left rotate the selected object(s) 90° in the indicated direction. To flip the selected object(s) by180°, select Rotate 180°.