Structural Item Properties
When an item is selected in the structural hierarchy, you can view and edit its properties on the Properties tab in the Analysis panel. The following fields are available.
- General
- #: The item number. For structures and substructures, this is the ATA-assigned number and cannot be changed from the Properties tab. For sub-substructures, the # must begin with the same number as the parent (e.g., if the substructure's # is 10, you can define sub-substructures with any or all of the following numbers: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 or 19). For structural items, the only limitation is that the numbers must be between 1 and 9999 and they must be unique for all the structural items that are associated with the same parent.
- Description: The name and/or description of the structure or structural item.
- Location: The physical place on the aircraft where the item is located.
- Zone: Which aircraft zone the item belongs to. While you can use the same numbers as used in the Zonal analysis, this is not required.
- Access: The type of access that is required in order to perform inspections on the structure.
- Part Number: The part number of the item.
- Drawing Number: An identifying number for engineering design drawings.
- Reference Inputs
- Environmental Conditions: A description of the environmental conditions that the structure will be exposed to.
- Any information that you enter in the Remarks field will be displayed in the Remarks section of the Item Properties Summary report.
The Working Group Info area displays information about the most recent working group that performed analysis for the current hierarchy item. It is updated automatically when you add an item or change an item property, and is based on the current working group session stamp. If desired, you can also update it manually (e.g., to force all of the items to show the latest working group information before you generate a report). Click the Edit icon,
, to open the Current Item Working Group Stamp window.
The History fields display information about when the item was created and last modified. These details are recorded automatically by the application. If the history log has been activated at the project level, you can click the View Item History icon to open the Record History Log for the item.