Configurable Settings for Actions and Controls

Some of the properties in action records and in control records are configurable via the interface style settings that have been defined for the current project. The interface style is used in XFMEA/RCM++ to customize a variety of analysis fields to fit the organization’s particular preferences and needs. (See About Configurable Settings in the XFMEA/RCM++ documentation.)

You can view/edit the configurable settings for actions and controls from any ReliaSoft desktop application by clicking Configurable Settings of the action properties window or the control properties window. (In secure databases, this is available only if the user is the project owner, or has the "Edit project properties" permission.)

 Any changes to these settings will apply to all records of that type in the current project.

Starting in Version 2020, two new configurable drop-down lists are available for actions. These fields are intended to allow users to follow the AIAG & VDA FMEA Handbook released in 2019.

  • The options in the Action Type drop-down list depend on the current project's interface style. For the "DFMEA: AIAG & VDA-1" and "PFMEA: AIAG & VDA-1" profiles, the default values are:
    • Detection actions will help to enhance, optimize or otherwise improve the ability detect the failure and/or cause before it reaches the end user.
    • Prevention actions will help to improve the ability to prevent the failure and/or cause from occurring.
  • Status Detail is used to manually record the current status of the action. For the "DFMEA: AIAG & VDA-1" and "PFMEA: AIAG & VDA-1" profiles, the default values are:
    • Open
    • Decision Pending
    • Implementation Pending
    • Completed
    • Not Implemented

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