Action Status Updates

For all action resources, the Progress (Status Updates) area displays any notes that have been added to report progress. The software automatically adds these updates under certain conditions (e.g., upon review/approval), and you can also create updates manually when needed.

To add a new note, click Add Status Update in the action’s ribbon or click the heading and then click the Add icon that becomes visible.

The type that you select in the Add Status Update window can affect the actual start and completion dates of the action, and also update the action status. (See Action Timelines and Status.)

  • Not Started allows you to record comments without entering a start date. If an actual start date has already been entered, the update will remove the date and change the action’s status back to Not Started.
  • In Progress
    • If an actual start date is not already defined, sets the current date as the Actual Start Date and allows you to specify the % Completed. This will change the action’s status to In Progress.
    • If the action is already in progress, allows you to add another note and update the completion percentage.
  • Completed sets the current date as the Completion Date. This will change the action’s status to either Completed-On Time or Completed Late.

To delete an existing note, click inside the field and then click the Delete icon that becomes visible. There is no undo for delete.